Monday, July 8, 2024

Hello Monday and Hello 4th of July Festivities!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  How was your July 4th?  Ours was one of the best yet!  It has been an incredible holiday weekend with friends and family and I am here to recap it all!  Sarah and I are so glad you are here- we hope you will grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!

Here is what our holiday week and weekend looked like...



After work, Diana and I hit the Rail Trail for our Walk/Run- I walk...she runs...and I have been really enjoying it this summer :)



We were up bright and early and got to Laconia/Lake Winni/Laurel and Tom's Lakehouse by 10am!


Always love this view...


 Once we packed our "supplies" for the boat, we headed down to the dock...

and hopped on board for a day of pure fun on the lake!





After our day of fun on Lake Winnipesaukee, we headed back to the house to freshen up and get ready for dinner.  We headed out to O's Steaks and Seafood and enjoyed an incredible meal!


I had the blackened salmon with caramelized onions and blue cheese mashed potatoes- it was to die for and I only made it through half of this dish before I threw in the towel ;)


 After that, we crashed right away- it was a long day out in the sun and on the water


Happy 4th!  One of my favorite days of the year!

After enjoying a slow morning on the deck, with our coffee, we got ready and headed out on the boat by 11:45am.


The day called for a Lana Del Rey flag of course ;)

 Time for some tubin'

After another awesome day on the lake, we headed back to the house to prep dinner.  We have a tradition now of steamed lobsters, my caprese, Cass's orzo salad and some burgers and's fun to whip it up together


These two...on their way to Aroma Joe's for the 3rd time this weekend- ha!


After dinner, we saw a few different fireworks...from a distance


and then wrapped up our holiday with a hysterical game of "Cards Against the Humanity" We had so many laughs!

We had such a great time with our friends who are like family :)


We were off bright and early to prep for Sylvie's 1st birthday party!  I made a shrimp cocktail dip and we all got into our Hawaiian attire for her party- it was a Hawaiian theme to go with her fave "Lilo and Stitch" :)


My Girls...Grumpy Shot


That's Better!


Birthday Girl Getting Ready for her Bash :)


Lilo and Stitch Theme!


Our present for Sylvie- her first "car!" Ha!

It was a wonderful celebration and day!



It was a great day to chill.  We slept in and then three out of the four of us headed to the rail trail- Diana for a run and Rob and I for a date is just so peaceful there



 Then it was an awesome day to get a few things done around the house and just relax.  Zach took Diana for an ice cream date too :)

By the way, did I show you a shot of this year's patriotic snack mix?  Here it is in its glory- ha!



Well Eva woke up sick....wasn't in the plan so she and Rob stayed home and Diana and I headed to the beach for a few hours.  



We were going to stop for some steamers on the way home but all of a sudden I wasn't feeling well.

Anyway...Rob and I also got sick...seems to be a stomach bug/virus and as I am typing this, this morning, I think the worst is over...Eva is better for camp and Diana is good so far...thank God

Sunday was a lot of bed, bathroom and napping....but it truly was a wonderful weekend regardless.  What were you all up to?


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  1. Well it all looks pretty fabulous to me, other than the stomach bug of course. That's the worst! Sylvie is so cute and I love a first birthday. Happy Birthday to her! Enjoy your week!

  2. What a great weekend- minus the sickness. The boating/ time at the lake looks like it was a blast. Happy birthday to Sylvie! What a fun 1st birthday party for her! I hope you guys are all on the mend soon!

  3. Always love your posts and pictures, and the food looked amazing. But now I am very curious what your shirt said!

  4. Happy Birthday Sylvie- she's precious! Looks like a fun weekend before getting sick. Hope you feel better soon!

  5. I love a fun framily time to the lake. It looks like you had a wonderful time! I have so many memories on a tube, and my family trying to kill/throw me off. Haha! I'm so sorry you all got sick! Hopefully you all are on the mend.

  6. SO MUCH FUN!!!! Sorry about the sickness!

  7. Sorry Eva woke up sick on the last day but it sounds like you all had an incredible weekend! That time at the lake looks amazing and what a fun first birthday!

  8. The walks, the lake, the birthday party....the trifecta of fun for a weekend! I am glad to hear the sickness was short lived and sounds like rest was good after being so busy.

  9. We were supposed to go to a Portnoy reviewed place in Arizona but never made the time!
