Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday Favorites: Nantucket Faves Edition


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  It has been a rough week in these parts...raising teenagers is not for the faint of heart and when your kid's heart is broken so is yours...anyway...needed something happy to focus on...this weekend is our annual Nantucket Girls Weekend.  It will look a little different this year.  First off, Cass's Uncle died and she cannot attend which is such a bummer.  Second, Lea and I can't get to the island until tomorrow morning due to what we thought were going to be scheduling issues but everything has been crazy and changing so rapidly here...anyway I digress...we are headed to the Cape tonight to stay over and be able to catch the 6am ferry tomorrow morning to meet up with the rest of our crew...looking forward to squeezing in a little joy this weekend anyway.

I thought I would take this post to share a few of my favorite Nantucket we go....

Lola and Co

I LOVE these pendants and how each one has a different meaning.  They were designed by a local designer in Massachusetts and you can typically find these shops in beach towns.  They have a shop on Nantucket but you can also buy things online on their website!

Here is my collection so far....

and here is the breakdown....

Large Nantucket Pendant

(One of our favorite places- meant to be worn close to your heart)

The Dragonfly

(Having flown the earth for 300 million years, dragonflies symbolize our ability to overcome times of hardship. They can remind us to take time to reconnect with our own strength, courage and happiness.)

The Compass- given to me by my friend Laura

(“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.)


and The Octopus (which I wear on a bracelet)

That makes beauty.




The Wine and Food Festival

and the reason we started making this an annual trip.  We used to LOVE the Newport one each September but they never brought it back after COVID- boo!  Nantucket fills that void for sure!  It is a crazy time of year to try and get away but a quick weekend works just fine


Speaking of wine...Epernay is the cutest little wine shop on island...we always bop in before the big festival to sample what they are pouring.  Last year, we enjoyed Tattinger Champagne with Caviar and Gourmet Chips- very fancy- ha!


We love bopping into the little shops and I especially love snagging some merch like a hat or sporting ACK all year long :)


Well each year we have one nice dinner at a local gem- we have done the Club Car and Cru and this year we are trying The Galley...CANNOT WAIT...have heard wonderful things and the restaurant sits right on the beach- yeah!

So I will be back here on Monday to recap the weekend- have a great one!


  1. This weekend away to an awesome spot sounds like the perfect way to decompress from the disappointment of a hard week. The Lola jewelry is pretty and I love how meaningful it is. I hope you have the best weekend away!

  2. Oh I hope you have the BEST time! Reading your Nantucket re-cap is one of my favorite posts. I love that little island... even if we never make it a priority to get out there.

  3. I have never heard of the jewelry company...such unique pieces! I hope you have a great weekend, escaping all the worries of parenting for a few days.

  4. Aww! Sending love and hugs. It sounds like the break away has came at a good time. Have a wonderful time.
    Those pendants are so pretty and I love their meanings.

  5. I hope this weekend brings rest and recharges you. You are right, when your child's heart hurts, so does yours. I love the meaning behind the dragonfly.

  6. Have such a fun weekend!! I would love to go to Nantucket one day!

  7. Love the meanings of your necklace charms and bracelet! Never been to Nantucket, maybe one day!

  8. I am going to look at that jewelry. So cute. And so sorry to hear that you are dealing a heartbreak in your house . Hugs to all.

