Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Favorites (May 24, 2024)


Hi Friends.  We made it!  This is one of my favorite weekends all year...hope it doesn't let me down...we really need some JOY in these about you?  What do you have planned?  Before we get to MDW, here are some recent faves...

2024 WHS Cabaret


I was so happy to be able to see Diana in this show this year.  She played Emcee again and sang a song.  This year she went with "Not For The Life Of Me" from Thoroughly Modern Millie.  It is a song she worked on with her Voice Coach Carlos.  We were so proud of her.  Musical Comedy is her sweet spot for sure :)

As an Emcee

and doing her song....

and the fan club was in full effect :)

Such a great night.  My favorite part was seeing Diana happy again :)

Bike Riding

"The Pidge" has been taking full advantage of the great spring days we have had mixed in between the rainy ones.  She successfully took off the training wheels and has been cruising!

Ariana Grande

Her latest songs are really speaking to Diana and of course now she has Eva and me obsessed too!  We listen to these two songs on the daily ;)

WHS Spring Choir Concert

A few weeks back, we enjoyed the high school's spring choir concert...we forced Diana out of her funk to get dressed up and sing with all she had...and she did (insert praise hands here)

Last Days at Golden Brook School

We can't believe we are winding down our time at Golden Brook School...we have had a kid here for about 28 years...weird right?  My three stepchildren started here and then my two daughters and in a few short weeks, Eva will be "graduating" to Center School.  So bittersweet.  Yesterday was her last concert and there were tears of course



Our crazy May continues....wishing you a wonderful weekend everyone!


Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE


  1. Diana looks beautiful in red! What fun singing/ choir events. I love the song, Not for the Life of Me. Abby danced to it. (I will watch the video of Diana singing it when the house is not so quiet, lol). Twenty eight years of having a child in that school. WOW. That is amazing and seems like it has to be a record of some sort! Have a great long weekend!

  2. Diana looks fabulous in red! It sounds like another killer performance (for both girls!).

  3. Congrats on all of your wonderful milestones!


  4. Well done to Diana. It sounds like she did great in the show! You must be so proud.
    I haven't heard any of Ariana Grande's music for ages, I really used to like her.

  5. Diana looked beautiful and way to go Eva on riding the bike! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and it's full of Joy! :)

  6. That red dress is beautiful on your daughter! I'm glad the performance went well...she looks like a natural. These teen years are full of ups and downs (sometimes on the daily) and I'm glad there were some bright spots in the week for all of you. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

  7. I love seeing her enjoy the theater. I was a thespian in high school and still love going to the theater, including school plays. Enjoy your weekend!
