Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Favorites (May 10, 2024)




Hi Friends and Happy FRI YAY!!!!  We made it!  As always, sharing some faves from our week...

Softball Season Is Upon Us

Nuff Said

Fave Drinks This Week

Diana and I love going to Fuel Good a few mornings a week before school- we get their fun iced teas- they have healthy ingredients depending on which one you order- like protein or collagen or electrolytes and they come in really fun flavors.  This week, I enjoyed a "Wildflower" tea with a protein ball :)

and the exact day that Starbucks released their Boba Refreshers, we were in line that night and the consensus is they ROCK :)  We tried the coconut milk one and it was magical

Palate Expander

Well certainly not a fave but proud of Pidge for being such a brave girl- my heart

Fave Recent Movies



I have watched some great ones during some downtime over the last few weekends..I am laughing because downtime...what's that?  Ha!  Well sporadically I will get a few hours to chill and this is what I have enjoyed....



All Good Things




 The Idea Of You



 Love And Other Drugs



 Happy Mother's Day!

To all of my fellow Mamas out there...hope you have a wonderful day....I am going to party like my idol here ;)




  1. I love the name ¨Fuel Good¨! I would patronize the business on the name alone, lol. But the drinks sound really good, too, so that sounds like another good reason to check them out. I hope you have wonderful Mother´s Day and get spoiled like crazy!

  2. Thanks for sharing the movie recommendations. I have heard good things about The Idea of You. Have a good weekend!

  3. I enjoyed The Idea of You too; it was really cute. Ugh; my son needed a palette expander too and it was not fun (though he did adjust to it rather quickly so that was a relief). I hope you have a wonderful mother's day.

  4. Softball season looks like fun and I love the sound of those iced teas.
    I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  5. Ouch the palate expander...poor thing! I loved reading about your faves this week. Happy Mother's Day!

  6. I love bubble tea so will have to try the Starbucks variety. Happy Mother's Day to you! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Yay for softball season! I've never tried the "boba" drinks at Starbucks, I'm soo curious. And I just watched "The Idea of You" it was so good! One of the guys in the band I follow on IG, he's such a good dancer! Happy Mother's Day to you!
