Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday Favorites (March 22, 2024)


First things first!  Happy Birthday to My Beautiful Mom Diane (yesterday)- will recap how we celebrated on Monday!

and Happy Birthday to My Awesome Father In Law Bob (today)- again will recap on Monday

Things are just crazy and exciting and busy because of Diana's Show "Les Mis" so I will recap it all so make sure you come back :)

Our ONE Friday Favorite this week is Les Mis Opening Night- the cast blew everyone away- just an incredible production and we could not believe the talent at the high school level!

Diana sang is her solo "Castle On A Cloud"

The best surprise of the night for her too was Zach and Zoe being there all the way from North Carolina!

More pics and videos to come on Monday..until then have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh have a GREAT Les Mis weekend!!!

  2. Wow wow wow! Diana was amazing. Have the Best weekend!


  3. Can´t wait to hear about your weekend! So many great things :). I hope you have the best time celebrating and watching the performances.

  4. So much to celebrate in your fam. I Hope you have the best weekend.

  5. Aww! Happy birthday to your mom and your father in law.
    Well done to Diana, it sounds like everyone put on a great show.

  6. Diana's voice is so beautiful! I loved seeing her perform and the family and friends reunion. Thanks so much for sharing, Holly!

  7. Diana is so incredibly talented and you can tell she loves what she is doing!! So proud of her hard work, and the whole cast!

    Happy birthday to your mom and Rob's dad!

  8. Happy Birthday to your Mom and Father in law! Diana did a wonderful job!!
