Monday, February 26, 2024

Hello Monday (February 26, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you are here!  If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below.  It'll be fun :)

Here is what our little winter weekend looked like...

Friday Night


I need to start by just sharing that Les Mis tickets are now on sale!  If you are local, grab your tix by scanning the QR code below!  Woohoo :)

Anyway, I digress, back to Friday night...Rob and his Dad dismissed Eva early from school and the three of them headed up to North Conway NH (about two hours north of here) for a hockey game.  They ate on the road and made it there and home late safely

I got some work done and food prep for the weekend.  I dropped Diana off at a Sweet 16th Birthday Party at a nearby restaurant



Then I started watching "Dead In The Dorms 2" on Hulu.  It is a docuseries about deaths of college students. I enjoyed the first season but this one is making me sick... I think it is because we are getting closer to the college years...I started taking notes about what things we need to coach Diana scary...I ended up turning it off and snuggling with Remi for a bit.

Rob, his Dad and Eva picked up Diana on their way home and then we all crashed.



We were up bright and early and headed out for a date walk...despite it being cold, I felt a hint of spring...with the melting earlier sunrise...and just the vibe I was getting :)  Rob thought I was crazy- ha!

One of Diana's dance teachers picked her up so she could help her teach her class and then it was time for the rest of us to head to a hockey game!



The best part was not the win BUT that Miss Bethany joined us...and she is just so funny...she made Eva a poster and brought her balloons (one being the American flag because she knows Eva so well) :)



After that, I headed to have my nails done and then we all met at home and headed out for the rest of the day and night



One of the hockey families was hosting a party for the team so we had a blast with everyone



Then we all headed to Tsongas Arena in Lowell.  The kids got to play in an exhibition game AND they won- yeah!


Then we all stayed for the UMASS Lowell Hockey Game- they were playing Providence College.  Though they lost, it was a close game and very exciting.  We learned that one of the goalies from Providence has already been drafted by the Boston Bruins too!  After all of this excitement, we crashed hard...and yes we let Remi snuggle with us since we had been gone for awhile :) 





We were up bright and early again.  Rob and his Dad took Eva to her first hockey game of the day.  I then took Diana to...are you ready for it....her VERY FIRST DAY of her new job that I scored for her!!  She is going to be a barista at our town's coffee shop, Village Bean, one of my favorite places to meet candidates and friends for coffee and chats!  So excited for her.  She was super nervous and it brought back so many memories of when I first started working in high school :)


While she started working, I got lots done- some work of my own, meal planning, grocery ordering, paying bills, scheduling meetings with her teachers and guidance counselor and blogging of course :)  Then I headed to mass where my friend Suzanne met me which was so nice

Later on, it was time to get Diana from her...very...first...job...ha!

Then our parents all joined us for Eva's last hockey game of the regular season.....

It was ugly...they lost by so much they stopped keeping track...but we are on to playoffs next weekend!

We ended our weekend with an amazing chicken parm dinner thanks to my Mama...we had a great time sharing dinner and catching up.

What were you all up to?





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  1. I could not handle that docuseries! Eek! I love that the young girls are dressing up for bday brunches and dinners. It's so sweet to me. Your weekends are always so full! Those cupcakes are darling!

  2. What a great hockey weekend. You’re an amazing mama to take notes during that series. I know it’s scary but you’ve equipped those girls with so much to be aware of their situations, surroundings, making smart choices, etc. all you can do is continue to provide all you can to keep those convos going.

  3. It sounds like a great weekend! Diana´s first job- YAH! All the hockey activities sound like so much fun. Have a great Monday!

  4. What a fun weekend, and yay for Diana's new job! I'm curious to know what she thought of it when you picked her up.

  5. Looks like a great weekend! What a fun first job being a coffee barista!

  6. What a great weekend! Congratulations to Diana on her first job.

  7. A jam-packed weekend but lots of fun and new experiences! Congrats to Eva and her hockey team on making the playoffs, and good luck to Diana on her first job!

  8. Great weekend!!

    I would not be able to watch Dead in Dorms right now with Ian in a dorm and 2 deaths at UGA recently! UGH!

  9. I will never ever ever watch that docuseries! Oh so much hockey, I love it!

  10. I feel like your weekends always look so much longer than mine! LOL How on Earth do you fit that all in? I hope Diana likes her new job; Alec's favorite part of his job is when he gets put on Barista station and he's trying to talk his school chef into installing one as well.

  11. Those cupcakes are super cute! I love all of the signs of spring that have been showing up!
