Monday, December 11, 2023

Hello Monday (December 11, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday! Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by.  If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below...c''ll be fun!

Here is what we were up to as we fa la la'd through our weekend...

Friday Night

Back and forth to dance for both girls and while Eva was at her classes, Diana and I snuck off for a festive treat- Peppermint Shakes at Chic Fil A FTW!

Daddy had a gig and it was early to bed for all of us!


It was time to write out our Christmas cards...continue wrapping...baking...and organizing

It was a good day to get things done around the house and sneak in naps...and observe our little friends of course...

That night, The Fourniers had us over for dinner and our Christmas gift exchange- Cass outdid herself and served us an amazing meal!  My dessert that I baked earlier was a hit so I will share that recipe soon!


This day was full of all of the things- mass...breakfast...2 hockey games...softball practice...more Christmas cards...meal ordering...blogging and then some fun

I met up with my Dance Mom Besties for a cocktail and our Christmastime catching up

and then last night, I surprised the family with tickets to the Waitress Movie- Diana's fave Broadway show!

Amazing show- we highly recommend!

Can't wait to see what you were all up to!




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  1. What a great weekend! I have not had a CFA shake yet this season and need to change that. I have not seen Waitress but I want to. I will look forward to that over break! Have a great Monday!

  2. Looks like such a fun weekend!! I'm so excited that the peppermint shakes are back at Chick-fil-a!

  3. What a fun weekend. You and Diana look so cute with your Peppermint Chip shakes! It’s my favorite holiday treat!

  4. I'm still waiting on our holiday cards to arrive. Hopefully that will be this coming weekend's project...!
