Monday, November 27, 2023

Hello Monday and Hello Thanksgiving Weekend 2023!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  How was your holiday weekend?  If you blogged about it today, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!  Sarah and I would be psyched if you would join us for our linkup!


Our Thanksgiving Weekend was was the first one in 8 years that we didn't have a Nutcracker!  I thought we would be sad but you know what?  It was full of joy and QT and rest and enough excitement for all of us (without the drama- Praise God!)  Ha ha!   Anyway...this is what it looked like....




Wednesday- Thanksgiving Eve


The Breton Girls met up with the Fournier Girls for our Annual Breakfast- we unfortunately forgot to take our pic before Alexis left for work but at least we snapped one! (Check out the photo bomb at the next table- dying!)



 After that, it was time to prep some Thanksgiving Day Food- Breakfast and Apps


 Then we snuck in some time for snuggles with Remi while Zach and the girls took out the old Wii and played golf and bowling :)

That night was the return of "Thanksgiving Eve" or our "Friendsgiving" and it was so fun to get back to this tradition!


Harry was home from his ballet conservatory and these two had so much fun catching up!


Ella even brought over Teddy "Teddifer" in his Turkey Hat to say Happy Thanksgiving!


What a great night!

Thursday- Happy Thanksgiving!

Time to put "Tom" in the oven (at 6:30am) and yes that is the Warden inspecting the work in the kitchen ;)

Then it was breakfast time with the fam!


Four Generations!


Then time to trot!  We love the annual Windham Turkey Trot...someone took it a little seriously this year...yes in jeans...we couldn't stop laughing especially with how embarrassed Diana can hear her on the video- HA!

After that, the big kids (and Sylvie) took off for Lisa's and we got ready to celebrate the day with our yummy dinner with our was the perfect meal with the best peeps :)

We celebrated with this special wine that we had shipped from Italy- our entire group did- we enjoyed this at Mt. Vesuvius, the winery in Italy, on the mountain, where we had a spectacular tour and lunch...we will never forget it and we were happy to share this with our parents!

After dinner,  we all got cozy in the family room and watched one of our favorite Hallmark Christmas Movies, "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year"

Then it was time for dessert

That night, our little fam capped off the perfect holiday with our annual tradition of watching "Christmas Vacation" for the first time during the season...yes this one is one we watch multiple times each year :)

Friday- Black Friday!

I picked up Cass at 5:30 am and were back to our traditional "Black Friday" and we agreed it was our best yet- no rushing or stress due to Nutcracker so we took our time and did so well- got some great deals and then enjoyed an awesome "brunch" at Tuscan Market where we pretended we were back in Italy with our Aperol Spritz Cocktails, Rosso Pizza and Caeser Salad :)

 and look who started their very first Black Friday tradition...Black Friday...The Next Generation

Later on, it was time to start decorating...and maybe playing "Elf" ;)

That night we headed to Zachary's while the girls were in and out between dance classes....and then we crashed early!


While Diana was at Dance and Rob and Eva were at hockey I got most of the wrapping done-earliest ever.  Still have more shopping to do- it will be a slow process this year but I am happy I am keeping up with the wrapping.

Later on, I made dinner for us- "Leftover Thanksgiving Pie" -one with cranberry sauce and one without for Eva

They came out great- we all agreed we want this to be a tradition too!

We watched one of our favorite Christmas Movies "Love At The Christmas Table"


Then decorated our family tree in the Family Room

We wrapped up our cozy night by watching another holiday fave "The Mistletones"

Then Rob and I crashed while the girls decorated their bedroom trees and sent us pics to show off their work :)


We woke up to the return of our "friends" the elfs....they had a big surprise for the kids...they got married and had triplets and asked the girls to name them.  Eva was sooo excited and was screaming and it was one of those moments I know I will never forget.

Then it was time for meal planning, blogging and heading to mass. 

Diana then had an epic rehearsal for the upcoming Christmas show.  Amy, her Studio Director, surprised the kids today with a new and much larger studio space in was an "early Christmas gift" and they were thrilled.  She had all of her company kids there for the surprise- she has four different level companies- Diana is in the oldest group or "Pre Pro Team"...check out the surprise (my friend Kary caught it on video)

Last night we got organized for our week!

Lastly, I wanted to let you know that Thursday is Monthly Musings!  Patty and I hope you will join us as we talk "How We Holiday" and answer the questions below...


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. What a great, full, even though Nutcrakerless Thanksgiving weekend! I love how even without the Nutcracker, dance still played a role- dance moms gotta dance mom, right??I love the pictures of all the traditions and the next generation of Black Friday shoppers is awesome! Your family pics are great, too. Those four generation pictures always bring tears to my eyes. Just amazing! Have a great Monday!

  2. What a beautiful long weekend of family, fun, friends, and decorating! I would say you made the most of the time off that you had with your people. I hope your week gets started off great, my friend!

  3. What a fabulous time. Love the photos. Yay for a bigger studio and glad you didn’t miss the Nutcracker too much. It’s hard when traditions end but so much to be thankful for.

  4. I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving. And I thought my weekend was busy!

  5. Holly!! I love all of this! The Friendsiving looks so fun and fabulous! I love all the Christmas movie watching, one of my favorite things! Thank you for sharing all your traditions! Have a fabulous week! :)

  6. What a great Thanksgiving! Love all the family time!! I still want to steal Remi ;) So precious

  7. What?!? No Nutcracker?!?! That seems so odd... Also, I love the four generation picture and I spy Applesauce Jumbles!!!

  8. What a truly fabulous weekend! You crammed so much wonderful stuff into those 4 days.

  9. It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! Amazing that you got started on wrapping. I am hoping to do some of that this weekend!! Have a great week.

  10. What a great weekend full of fun traditions!! I love that you got so much family and friends time! Way to go on the wrapping! Have a great week!
    Sarah @ Sunshine & Books

  11. Love that you had your Thanksgiving wine shipped from Italy! See you Thursday for Monthly Musings.
