Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday Favorites (November 3, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday.  Before we get to Friday Favorites, I wanted to use this platform to share some sadness in my heart.

First, the Lewiston, Maine mass shooting.  So close to home.  So very tragic and scary and probably could've been prevented which is the worst part. Praying hard for these families

Secondly, Matthew Perry.  I know we tend to put stars on a pedestal but I grew up with Matthew Perry and always loved his acting and comedic timing.  I recently read his memoir and was so inspired by his story.  It was brutal to read about his battles with addiction and also fascinating to read about his rise to fame and the work it takes to audition and get noticed.  What I was most impressed with, however, was his desire to help people throughout his life.  He was a good egg and beautiful soul. R.I.P.

and now for some glimpses of joy....

My Sweet Boy


The Couple Next Door

Did you read the book by Shari Lapena?  It was SO GOOD.  She is one of my favorite suspense authors and guess what?  They made a series from this book...can't wait for it to come out!

No Personal Space

Anyone with a French Bulldog out there?  You will totally get this!

Candlelight: A Tribute To Taylor Swift

Last night, a few of us took Mary out for her birthday.  We were going to celebrate Kelly's birthday too but her and daughter have been sick so she had to miss out.  We went to this really cool little theater in nearby Manchester called The Rex Theater and saw a Taylor Swift Tribute Show.  The group is called Candlelight and it is a string quartet that truly performs in candlelight.  It was so very cool.

We were only allowed to film the final song which happened to be one of my very faves of all time- Shake It Off.  Truly reminded me of an old friend who broke my heart but I miss all the time...well anyway...check it out!

That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful weekend friends!



Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE


  1. I think I read the Couple Next Door? It´s bad that I don´t remember- however I read a lot in that genre and I know that I´ve read something with the word Couple in it... Thanks for your succinct thoughts on recent tragedies. I don´t think bloggers should harp on the bad and hard but acknowledging some of it is respectful or real or something like that (I´m having a hard time finding the right word I am looking for). I enjoyed reading the memes. I may incorporate one or more into a post soon. Have a great weekend!

  2. Your picture of the turkey stepping on the Santa made lol. I needed that laugh today. Happy Friday!
    - Morgan

  3. The Lewiston news is hitting us so hard too but your memes made me smile. Have a Good weekend friend!


  4. I'm pretty sure I read The Couple Next Door.. that is one downside of reading so much; it can get hard to remember which ones I've read and which ones I've just added to my never ending "read it soon!" list!

  5. Yes, I read a quote about Matthew Perry when he said he would probably be remembered for Friends but wanted to be remembered for how he tried to help people with addiction. His death has made me so sad.

    And there are just no words for another mass shooting. Devastating for those who lost loved ones.

    Dave and I are going to a Candlelight concert in a couple of weeks -- it's a classic rock themed one and I'm really looking forward to it!

  6. The shootings are so sad and I don't usually get bothered by celebrity deaths but the news about Matthew Perry really upset me. I think it's because it's someone who's on my TV most days when I watch Friends.
    That Candlelight a Taylor Swift Tribute Show is coming near me in a couple of weeks. I did think about getting tickets for my girls.
