Thursday, October 26, 2023

Monthly Musings: Thanksgiving Prep Edition!


Hi Friends!  Patty and I are so glad you stopped by!  We hope you will join us for our fun little linkup of Monthly Musings.  This month we are talking all things Thanksgiving Prep...we thought why not help each other out!?  We are answering these questions below...



Here We Go!

1. What Are Your Thanksgiving Plans?

Well we are back to normal this year...last year was different given our special Nutcracker year so we didn't host our Thanksgiving Eve Party and we didn't host Thanksgiving Dinner- we went out and it was lovely but I am excited to get back to all of our fun traditions this year.  That means, Thanksgiving Eve party with family and friends- Turkey Trot with the Fam then hosting Thanksgiving Dinner!

2. Favorite Thanksgiving Dish?  Please share recipe!

It would have to be Mashed Potato Bread Stuffing.  My Mom found the recipe in the newspaper years ago and it became a family favorite.  You can now find it HERE




 3. Best Food Prep Tips


 For the past several years, I have made one dish each night leading up to Thanksgiving.  This way I am not completely overwhelmed that day and only have the turkey to roast and a few things to put together.  This is my best tip and has worked well for us!

4. Favorite Thanksgiving Traditions

Dinner with Family- Breakfast and Turkey Trot with all of the Kiddos- Thanksgiving Eve with Family and Friends- all the things!

5. Turkey? Ham?  Other?  Both?

Turkey all the way!

6. Apple Pie?  Pumpkin Pie?

Rob's Apple Pie :)

 7. Football or Family Movie?

In recent years it has been a family movie but I loved growing up cheering at our high school football game on Thanksgiving morning!  It is just not a thing in NH so we do the Turkey Trot and have fun with other traditions :)

8. Stuffing Or Dressing?

We say Stuffing here in New England :)

9. Turkey Trot or Thanksgiving Parade?

Both!  We do the Turkey Trot and once we are back at home getting ready for our big day, we have the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on in the background

10. Have you ever down a "Friendsgiving?"

We consider our "Thanksgiving Eve Party" our "Friendsgiving" and it is one of our favorite traditions

Can't wait to read all about YOUR Traditions and Tips!

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  1. I had forgotten all about your Nutcracker Thanksgiving fun last year. Is no one dancing The Nutcracker from your family this year? So glad you get to enjoy your regular Thanksgiving fun again. We need to host a Friendsgiving some year because I think it would be really fun!

  2. Fun, Holly! I love all of your traditions. Your high school played a football game on Thanksgiving day? That is hardcore HS football, lol! I will check out the recipe for jazzed up mashed potatoes. I am always looking for ways to make mine next level.

  3. I know you will enjoy having all your traditions this year, since last year was hectic! Thanks for the fun link up!

  4. What a fun celebration! That's a great tip to do one dish each night leading up to Thanksgiving.

  5. I love your traditions! That mashed potato stuffing looks delicious! Do you have the recipe for the cranberry white cheddar dip? I’d love to have it if you do! Sarah @ Sunshine & Books!

  6. Yes Sarah! You can find it in this post here and I will email it to you!

  7. That mashed potato stuffing looks like a great twist on the dish - I saved the recipe to try sometime! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving this year!
