Monday, October 2, 2023

Hello Monday (October 2, 2023)


 Hello!  Sarah  and I are so glad you stopped by!  If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!


 Hi Friends!  I am coming off the greatest weekend...Blackout 2023 was a huge success and I can't wait to receive our final numbers...I am so excited and anticipating that they were record-breaking this year.  I woke up Saturday morning so happy and grateful and fulfilled!  When you focus on things and initiatives outside of yourself and for the greater good, there is nothing better!  Full Blackout post coming this week!





All decked out and ready to rock it!






Rob dropped Diana at dance so I could sleep in a little then he and Eva and Papa headed to hockey.


After dance, I picked up Diana and we headed to Tuscan Market.  I got some amazing gift cards for my birthday so we grabbed some food to cook for dinner and had a quick lunch together.  We celebrated a successful Blackout and I am so grateful for all of her help this year!



 Meanwhile in Dedham MA :)



 That night was the coziest!  We cooked dinner and it was the four of us (and Remi) and we watched some 90210 together too...just what the doctor ordered!


Remi trying to score some dessert

We enjoyed dessert from one of our fave places in town- Johnson's Farm- they closed for the season yesterday but not before we sampled the pumpkin oreo and apple crisp ice creams- yum!





 We slept in and then Rob and Eva headed to softball.  I headed to Laurel's Birthday Brunch.



 Later on Diana helped me snag a few last fall decorations

Then it was relaxing for the rest of the day which was so needed :)  What were YOU up to?



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  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend Holly! I'm looking forward to your Blackout post as I have never heard of this event before.

  2. Congrats on a successful Blackout event! Agree so much with your statement about doing things for others/ being outwardly focused. Your weekend looks like the perfect way to usher in October!

  3. Love it! What a great weekend! That ice cream sounds amazing! :)

  4. Looks like a great fall weekend for sure! I love your thought at the beginning, about feeling fulfilled when you put your time in effort in things for others - so true.

  5. Sounds like a perfect early fall weekend! So happy for you!

  6. I’m So happy blackout was a success! My goodness I LOVE your brunch dress!

  7. What a great weekend! Your salad looks amazing.

  8. Yay for a successful Blackout weekend! That salad looks yummy.
