Friday, September 1, 2023

First Day of School 2023 - A BIG Friday Favorite!





 It sounds so cliche but how did we get here?  Thinking this summer went by soooo quickly...and we did enjoy the full....I knew I did something right when we were headed to bed on Tuesday night and Diana said, "Thank you for an amazing summer Mum."  My heart...

I am also thinking about the saying a candidate/client shared with me right after Diana was born..."the days are long but the years are fast." AMEN

So did we get here?  A Sophomore in High School and a 4th Grader!  WOW!

So excited for this school year for my girls....and today's Friday Favorite is dedicated to their first day of school!

First up....Our Obligatory First Day Pics on the Front Steps of course :)

Our Sophomore




and our 4th Grader!





 Have a great year too Remi ;)


 A few bus shots for Miss Eva!  Even got to meet some new neighbors :)


1st Day of School Breakfast Tradition- Wish You Were Here Lea- HA!!


 All and all the girls had a great first day!  I think Diana is a little overwhelmed but it reminded me of last year and usually it takes her a couple of weeks to settle into her new classes and schedule so keeping the faith!  As I always tell kind...and do what you know is right...the rest will fall into if I could follow my own advice and stop worrying so much we would all be golden- ha!


IMPORTANT NOTE: Sarah and I will be back for Hello Monday ON TUESDAY NEXT WEEK due to the holiday.  Enjoy your long weekend everyone!

 Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE


  1. Great pics from the girls' first day! I hope they have the best school years. It does go by so fast!

  2. First day of school pictures are one of my favorite things! Hope they have a great year!

  3. Such great first day photos; I hope they have a fabulous year. Alec came home all disgruntled yesterday about so many minor things (well, they seemed like minor things to me anyway; I think he's just ready for high school to end and to head off to college already!). Hopefully today went better and I know as he settles in to all his new classes he'll have fun since he likes all his teachers and classes so far.

  4. Love that tradition! The photos are fantastic and everyone looks so happy. I hope they have the best year. Happy Friday!

  5. Their first day of school outfits are to die for! How old and sophisticated does Diana look in that pink and white?
    Happy weekend to you!

  6. I love the first day of school outfits!! Your girls are beautiful. I hope they have a great year.
