Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Currently: September 2023


Hi Friends!  I am here linking up with Jennifer for her fun Currently linkup.  This month we are sharing what we are loving, experiencing, dreaming, eating and using to fun!  Here we go....


This snuggle bunny....even when he is being fresh...just love him so much!



 Parenting a 15 year old and a 9 year old...learning so much and having glad I can be present for it all...these girls keep me young and make me laugh :)



 Of all of the shows I will get to see my girls in this year- I am giddy!  :)





We are working through the meals that I prepped in August.  Last week it was Chicken, Broccoli and Bowties and the Berry Croissant Casserole.  This week it is Chicken, Broccoli and Rice in Tomato Sauce, Popcorn Chicken, Broccoli and Mashed Potatoes and Breakfast Quesadillas with Berries.



Using To Decorate


 Pumpkins...Slowly Bringing Out The Fall Decor

 So...what's up with YOU Currently? :)


  1. Love those neutral pumpkins! So pretty- hopefully you'll do a fall home tour. Great pics of the girls. I can imagine being so excited to see the girls on stage!

  2. Holly, good luck with your girls going back to school. Your dog is so cute and I love those pumpkins.

  3. Love your pumpkins! Berry Croissant Casserole? Sounds amazing! I hope your girls have a great school year.

  4. Glad that meal prep is helping to lighten the load! It sounds like you have made some delicious foods too. Your fall decor items are just lovely. I can't wait to see what productions your girls get up to this year.

  5. You are so smart to have already meal prepped for the beginning of the school year! Love your pumpkins!

  6. @My Glitter Heart Heather!!! Ahhaa!! :)

  7. I only know what it's like to have to teens...and I end up in lots of BeReals lol
    I wish I would have meal prepped before school started. You are doing amazing.
