Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Triple Threat Theater Camp 2023

 Hi Friends!  I am recapping Triple Threat for the girls.  This post will be full of highlights.  There will be professional pictures and a film coming later.


The group always does excerpts from different Broadway shows.  This year those shows included: A Chorus Line, Matilda, Into The Woods, Oliver and Legally Blonde.


Diana danced in the Chorus Line numbers and she was The Baker's Wife in Into The Woods




and Margo in Legally Blonde

Eva played one of the Matildas :)

and an orphan in Oliver!

Mimi, Papa Pete, Papa Bob, Zach and Auntie Cass were there to support our girls!

We were so proud of the girls and grateful they had a fun experience....


  1. Great pictures and what fun experiences! I love Into the Woods. Our junior high students performed that and I was subbing one day when the students performed it for the school so I got to see it. It's great how so many of your people came out to watch the girls.

  2. It always sounds like your girls do have amazing experiences with theater! I love seeing all the photos and hearing what numbers they're in.
