Thursday, August 3, 2023

Currently: August 2023


Hi Friends!  I am joining Jennifer for her fun link up and sharing what's happening with us...currently....





THIS Summer...even though I haven't been to my favorite place...a New England beach...I have truly loved every other piece of summer even the rain- ha!  Softball tournaments- Pool Time- QT with Friends- Time at the Lake- Snuggles with Remi- My Girls- Date Walks...seeing Shania Twain...NYC with name it!



Looking Forward To


 Italy....That's All ;)






 School Shopping...I know I know but didn't want to be stressed upon our return from vacation so we have all of the school supplies done AND a few outfits for Eva.  I feel like I am on top of my game here so that helps to lessen the stress!






about what I will be reading AND watching on the plane 






 What I haven't packed- ha!  a little workout wear...a little Lilly....some Barbie attire and a Roaring 20's Flapper Dress for Gatsby...naturally... ;)


 That was fun!  What's up with YOU currently?



  1. Fun to read! You must be so excited!! Good luck getting everything for your trip. Looking forward to reading about it :).

  2. I'm so glad your summer is going well! What are the temps like there during summer? It's a miserable 105+ degrees here with high humidity. Needless to say, I'm ready for all things Fall! Italy? How amazing!!! I love your flapper dress! I wore one last weekend for a party! I love those pink heart-shaped glasses! They look adorable on you!

  3. I'm so glad your summer is going well! What are the temps like there during summer? It's a miserable 105+ degrees here with high humidity. Needless to say, I'm ready for all things Fall! Italy? How amazing!!! I love your flapper dress! I wore one last weekend for a party! I love those pink heart-shaped glasses! They look adorable on you!

  4. I'm so glad your summer is going well! What are the temps like there during summer? It's a miserable 105+ degrees here with high humidity. Needless to say, I'm ready for all things Fall! Italy? How amazing!!! I love your flapper dress! I wore one last weekend for a party! I love those pink heart-shaped glasses! They look adorable on you!

  5. I am loving your Instagram Italy content :) And I've done some back to school shopping too. You have to fit it in when you can.

  6. Your summer has looked so fun...and I know you're adding to the fun in Italy. We tackled back to school shopping this week...thankfully, the kids didn't seem to need as much as in the past. We only have a few more days left of summer.
