Monday, July 10, 2023

Hello Monday (July 10 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  Sarah and I are so glad you are here.  If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!

I first need to share some sad news.  My Best Friend Lea's Mom lost her battle with ovarian cancer this weekend.  Our hearts are broken for Lea and her Dad.  She really pushed on and lived life as best as she could.  It is just a very sad time for my friend and her family so we are supporting them as best as we can.  Rest In Peace Donna- you will never be forgotten XO

Here is Donna and My Mom a few years ago- much healthier and happier times

and on a happier note, we are proud of Diana for becoming a Certified Baby Sitter through the "Safe Sitter" Program.  She now knows how to change a diaper, do CPR, the Heimlich Maneuver and so much more.  She is now accepting babysitting jobs and can't wait to start.  She already has some favorites- so cute!


Now, I am going to start our recap with Thursday Night!

Thursday Night

The girls went to my parents for a visit and sleepover on Thursday so that night, after work, Rob and I had a relaxing dinner at home and watched a few episodes of Friday Night Lights.  Remi was pleased that we crashed early and it was so nice to decompress!

This is the candle we are lighting right now as it gets us excited to see the Amalfi Coast- Laurel gifted me with this gem :)


First thing, because the girls were still at my parents, Rob and I headed out for a long date walk before we got our days started.  I LOVE LOVE early summer mornings when sprinklers are first coming on and everything is so quiet except for the hum of air conditioners.  It felt so good! (Forgot to take pics- guess I was enjoying the moment)


Once the girls got back, Eva headed right out to a play date at Charlotte's.  



Diana floated in the pool with a book!



That night, the four of us enjoyed cooking on the grill again- another perk of Summer :)



Rob and I headed out first thing for a date walk.  Loved that we could get out a few times in between all of the rain we have been experiencing.

After coffee, I headed to a quick appointment and then we got ready for the big Softball Cookout.  I made the Rolo Ritz Bars and a huge fruit salad...and I may have made some fun Jello shots for the adults too ;)


The shenanigans in the pool were the funniest I have seen- could not stop laughing!


We were there all day and night and all had a blast!


We had a nice easy morning and start to our day.  I made Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins (will share the recipe soon AND I used the rest of our homemade jam in them!) and did the meal planning and grocery ordering and some organization for the week as the girls start Triple Threat Theater Camp and we all go in different directions.


Then Mama and Diana did "Shania- The Next Generation".  We went with Cass and Alexis to a late lunch/early dinner at Red's and then our driver picked us up and we headed down to the Xfinity Center in Mansfield MA to see this legend who we love so much!

Cass and I went twice in our twenties, once in 2017 and this time we decided to include our oldest daughters and pass on this tradition.

She did not disappoint and I promise to share more pics and videos this week!

Hope you all had an amazing summer weekend!

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  1. You really did have the perfect summer weekend! Your pool party sounds like a blast. Don't you love those magical summer days that are so much fun? I feel like they don't happen all that often when your kids start getting older. I bet that candle smells so good! I know you're counting down until your big trip!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's mom. That is so sad. Glad to see you guys enjoying the sun. I heard that more rain is headed New England's way?? It looks like you had bright sunshiny days over the weekend- perfect for a fun pool party. Looking forward to hearing about the concert!!

  3. I am so sorry about your bff's mom. Cancer really sucks. Awesome about the sitter cert. I truly think that all the babysitting I did had a huge impact on my life. I learned so much! I took a tote bag of activities and the kids loved that (future teacher nerd alert!). The pool party and Shania Twain look so fun. I saw her in concert once and she was amazing. I need to make jello shots!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's tough. Shania looks like so much fun!

  5. So sorry about your friends mom :( So fun to see Shania!!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your best friend's mum, that's so sad. Your sunny weekend looks like so much fun and the Shania Twain concert must have been amazing. I look forward to hearing more about it.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's mom. Prayers for her. Your weekend looks like so much fun. Hadley did a similar sitter certification, and it brings me peace of mind for sure. Shania looks fabulous. I can't wait to read more about it!

  8. Sorry to hear about your friend's mom. Gotta love jello shots! And your Shania outfit is so cute, I bet that was a fun concert!
