Thursday, June 29, 2023

Monthly Musings: Summer Fun Edition


Hi Friends!  Thanks for stopping by!  Patty and I are so glad you are here!


We would love for you to join in on our fun.  This month we are talking all things SUMMER FUN- it doesn't get any better than this right?



Here are the questions we are answering today...


 Hope you will join us!  Grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!


Without further we go!



Favorite Vacation Destinations


Well because we are talking summer, if you have been following for awhile then you know I would say the beaches of New England- no better place to be in the "summah" as we say here!  Maine...New Hampshire...The name it!  Best views...softest sand around



Best Packing Tips


Use packing cubes!  I started doing this a few years ago and never looked back.  You can fit more and they help to keep you organized!



 Road Trips or Fly?


For summer, I prefer road trips...I love exploring new areas and going on our little family adventures but sometimes flying is necessary for sure




Favorite Vacation Memory As A Child?


Speaking of road trips, I would have to say our family road trips- we did Pennsylvania Dutch Country, Virginia, MD and Washington D.C. and Niagara Falls!  Those are some of my best family memories and what inspires me to continue these for my kids :)

Ocean, Lake or  Mountains?

I love all three but the ocean wins every time!

Camp Out or Indoor Grill?

I wish this one said "Indoor Girl" because that is me!  Ha!! 

(Glamping was as adventurous as I ever got!)

Favorite Summer Cocktail or Mocktail?

I like refreshing drinks in the summer like a cucumber soda (cucumber vodka, soda water and fresh lime) or sometimes a raspberry mojito (find my recipe HERE) and most of the time, I really love a Sparkling Rose or Sauvignon Blanc especially to accompany fresh seafood!



Most Amazing Travel Upgrade Story?


The only one we ever experienced was in Chatham MA "Down The Cape".  Rob and I took Baby Diana down to Chatham for a weekend in May- right before "peak season" started so the prices were still reasonable.  When we got to the Chatham Bars Inn, they upgraded us to a "spa suite" was incredible.  Huge room with a huge bathroom- spa tub- fireplace AND it was the first time Diana started to crawl because she had so much space and the carpet was lovely (unlike the wood floors at home with Bambi the bulldog getting in her business- ha!)

Ice Cream or Popsicle?

I would lean towards ice cream but there is something about a Popsicle...especially a bomb pop that screams summer to me!

Do You Camp?

Negative ;) See Above!

That was fun!  Can't wait to read all about YOUR summer fun!



Here is our schedule for the rest of the year in case you want to join in next month


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Packing cubes are the best! I have always wanted to visit Pennsylvania Dutch Country, it must be so interesting. I just wish we weren't so far away!

  2. Oh, that upgrade was nice! What a great memory that Diana started crawling there ;). You are so lucky to live near the ocean! The closest ocean spot to us is about ten hours away ;(. Thanks for the link up. Fun questions!!

  3. Holly, I enjoyed reading your answers and answering your summer fun questions!

  4. I laughed at your camping comment, because we used to go camping in a tent all the time! This was a super fun post to read and participate in. Thanks for hosting!

  5. I feel the same way about camping; in fact my dad used to drag us camping and if one of the questions had been "worst vacation memory" those trips would probably have been it! LOL. Give me a real bed and no mosquitoes any day. That hotel room upgrade did look fabulous. I don't think we have ever gotten an upgrade anywhere in all our travels.

  6. While sometimes I dread a road trip, it is nice to stop along the way and when there's time to check out a new place to do so on a whim. That's a great upgrade story. Love the pics!

  7. That’s quite a lovely upgrade!! I am trying to get my family to Niagara Falls but it just isn’t working out. I agree on the camping!! NO WAY!!

  8. That was me - Sarah @ Sunshine & Books 😊

  9. I want to check out more of New England, and after this post, clearly we'll have to visit some beaches!

  10. I want to check out more of New England and, after this post, clearly we need to add some beach time to our itinerary!
