Monday, May 22, 2023

Hello Monday and Hello Nantucket 2023!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are happy you are here!  If you blogged today, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below....I just got back from a wonderful weekend on Nantucket and wrapped it all up with some awesome softball.  Here is what our weekend looked like!


I picked up Lea and then Lisa and then Beth Ann and we were off.  It took us a little over two hours to get to the ferry landing in Hyannis "down the Cape." I snagged on site parking this year which was even more convenient.  We met up with the rest of our crew and boarded our ferry but not before a group selfie!

Last year there were six of us.  This year we had eight.  We missed Suzy big time but were happy that the rest of us could make it.

We are here!

We grabbed our bags and then walked through town to our hotel- The Beachside- we love it here!

I was obsessed with Laurel's outfit so she let me take a full length shot- isn't it gorgeous?

Then we dropped our bags off and walked back downtown to grab some lunch at "The Beet". It was great!  Fun little meals and awesome cocktails- I loved my "Mango Crush" and will be replicating it soon for friends!



Then we walked around- stopped for a group pic of course and headed to "Current Vintage" to browse around and enjoy our first wine tasting of the weekend- we enjoyed some Chilean wines from two different winemakers- one of them was even there doing the presentation!


Laurel's Happy Place For Sure!

Then we headed back to our rooms and got all decked out for dinner!

Look at the height difference between Beth Ann and Lisa- adorbs!

We enjoyed our night with an amazing dinner at Cru!

It didn't take long to have us start fooling around with snapchat filters...we were feeling pretty good about ourselves AND laughing ourselves funny!

and meanwhile, at home, Diana was in a Cabaret at WHS and Robby B, Eva and Our Parents were there to support her.  She sang "For Good" from Wicked with her Senior Friend Jill and the words meant so it is

Tessa, who created and directed the cabaret over the last three years, is graduating and passing the torch to Diana and another student who will be taking it over for the next few years- so proud!

Back on Nantucket- Group shot before heading to Pearl for a night cap - we agreed one of these years, we will need to have dinner here- it was so pretty inside!

After this, we crashed!



 Our room was up bright and early so we walked downtown to grab coffee and breakfast sandwiches and then we relaxed for a bit and got ready for our day. home..someone filled in for me at Starbucks ;)

Once we got ready, we walked downtown again to do some shopping

Then it was time to head to our first event- a champagne (Tattinger) and caviar tasting at fun AND yummy :)

After that, we decided to grab some lunch.  We tried to dine at The Nantucket Hotel but they did not have a regular service due to the Wine Fest Weekend so the loveliest guy walked us right on over to Brant Point Grill at the White Elephant- we thought this was perfect since our grand tasting/wine fest was in the attached tent later on.

The food was incredible- we shared halibut tacos and chowder- both amazing!

Then it was time to wait in line and get ready for the main event- it did not disappoint!  So many great wines and laughs- we had a blast!

I want this dress- it had lobsters on it!

After the festival- we walked back to the hotel and got into our Nantucket sweats and headed to the lobby to relax by the fire with pizza and wine- perfect ending!

Had to snap this pic on our walk back home...a Taylor Swift party was ensuing ;)

Remi wasn't having it- ha!


Half of us were up at the crack of dawn- we grabbed coffee and breakfast and got on the 7:40 shuttle

Bye Bye Nantucket- you did not disappoint!

I came home to the best welcome from "my son" 


and a beautiful sign from Eva- oh my heart!

I was also home in time to see Eva's softball games which I was excited about!

We crashed early and hard last night!

How was your weekend?

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  1. What great pictures of your amazing weekend. You ladies were all styling with your cute dresses and outfits. Sounds like things were pretty great at home, too. I'll bet you're tired. Have a great Monday!

  2. How fun to have a girls weekend in Nantucket! I would love to visit there someday. Holly, have a nice week.

  3. Oh, that is a Good trip. I am jealous. Ok, do you also steal the cardboard coasters when they have them at restaurants? I always do!

    See you Thursday for Monthly Musings.


  4. Such a fabulous, fabulous weekend!!

  5. So so fun! Love the food, the wine, the scenery, and the fun outfits!! This trip looks like pure joy!
    ~Sarah @ Sunshine & Books

  6. I want to do everything you did! It sounds like the perfect getaway! I love all of your outfits, too! Did you see Elin or Shay from Mix and Match Mama? Ha!

  7. Oh wow, Holly looks like you guys had the best time!! Nantucket looks like such an amazing place to visit.

  8. Oh Holly!! I'm so jealous!! I have wanted to visit Nantucket for years! It's on my to-do list in the next year or two. I know you all had a wonderful time! Girl trips are the absolute best!!

  9. Rachel @ Sunny SideMay 24, 2023 at 1:42 PM

    I have got to plan a trip to Nantucket! It looks like the perfect place!

  10. What an amazing trip. Nantucket continues to be on my bucket list!
    Looks like y'all had the best time.
