Monday, March 13, 2023

Hello Monday and A Day In The Life!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  This is a "Twofer"....I am recapping our weekend for Hello Monday with my Partner In Crime Sarah and linking up with the lovely ladies at NJAM for A Day In The Life! is what our little weekend looked like....

First off, Diana had a final tech rehearsal for her school play which would be competing the next day at the Regional Ed Theater Festival

Then we headed to the Stations of the Cross at our Church- it is something they host every Friday Night during Lent- I like to make it to at least one in addition to Good Friday.

Then we wrapped up our night with an awesome visit from Zach and Zoe- someone is obsessed with Zoe- so sweet!

I was really good about snapping pics all day because I decided I would link up with the lovely ladies at NAJM HERE for "A Day In The Life" so here is my day.....

Up SO EARLY because I had to get Diana to the high school for her all-day theater festival

Always start with the news while getting ready

Came downstairs to my office and I was greeted by a very annoyed Frenchie ;)  He was looking at me like I didn't get the memo that it was Saturday and we usually sleep in until 7- ha!

While Diana got ready, I enjoyed a quick cup of coffee with my peeps as we continued watching news in the kitchen

Dropping Diana Off at WHS- Break A Leg!

Then it was back home to pick up my peeps and go to get Rob's car which was in the shop.

(no pics here sorry)

Then it was time to get Eva ready for her Tech Rehearsal for Performance Awards- then we were off to Derryfield while Daddy did the grocery shopping

Then it was back home to get cooking- we were having friends for dinner.

While I was in the kitchen I whipped up a batch of "Incredible Hulk Muffins" for the girls (recipe is from Brittany Williams of Instaloss and will share soon)

Daddy shredded radishes for me for the salad

I cooked for most of the afternoon and watched Glee too...I started it from the beginning and I am loving it just as much as I did 10 years ago :)

Ready for Our Guests!

They brought a wine I really enjoyed so I snapped a pic of course ;)

Gang's All Here- Love These Girls So Much!

While we were chatting after dinner, Diana Facetimed Rob with some of her theater pals and as soon as he answered they were screaming "We Made Regionals!"  It was so exciting!  Their play placed and now they get to compete at the NH State Level Festival Next.  She was over the moon :)

It was an AWESOME day!

It was my favorite day of dance all year but first, mass!

Then we spent the afternoon at Derryfield for AAB's Performance Awards (Full Post on this coming later this week)

The girls did great-very proud- one of my greatest joys in life is watching them do their thing!  Mimi, Papa Pete and Papa Bob were in the house too which makes it that much more special!

Last night, the girls and I grabbed dinner with some of the moms and kids

It was an awesome weekend!  We are now preparing for a Nor'easter...I am still keeping eye on the prize...spring!



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  1. What a busy but fun weekend! It looks like a great mix of family time, time with friends, and time being productive. A great way to start the week ahead!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

  2. Those incredible hulk muffins would be good for St. Patricks Day too!

  3. Such a fun weekend and congrats to the girls on making it to the next level! That's so exciting. I was stunned when my mother in law stopped in to drop off a puzzle and said "in case we get snowed in"... and I was like what snow? I really hope we don't get as much as they're predicting but looking ahead I am loving that it SHOULD be in the 50's by the weekend regardless.

  4. What a great weekend! Congrats on the play- that is so exciting! And can't wait to hear more about how dance went. Stay warm! It's cold here and we have a chance of snow. I hope you guys don't get a storm.

  5. It looks like a busy weekend with the girls. My daughter also has that huge stuffed Yoda. Good luck with the weather this week Holly.

  6. Your girls sure do keep you busy! Stay warm.

  7. What a fantastic weekend. I loved hearing about your days and that Pinot Noir looks so good😋

  8. That was a great weekend! Congratulations to the girls!! Amazing accomplishments! I can't wait to see what the Hulk muffins are. Good luck in the snow this week!

  9. What accomplished girls-you have a lot to be proud of! It is fun to see kids doing what they love.

  10. It looks and sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. The all-day theater festival sounds like fun and the Incredible Hulk Muffins look so interesting.
    Ahh! I loved Glee, my youngest is watching it at the moment, most of it for the first time.
    Well done to Diana and all the girls for getting to Regionals.

  11. What a great weekend! Congrats to your girls. I love that wine too. I didn't realize bad weather was headed that way! I hope all is ok. Thanks for joining us.

  12. Incredible Hulk muffins look interesting! Congrats to the girls - love the joy on their faces!
