Thursday, November 17, 2022

Monthly Musings: November 2022- All About Holiday Prep!


Hi Friends!  Patty and I are so glad you stopped by!  We hope you will answer the questions below and link back up with us!  We are talking all things holiday prep!

Here it goes!

 1. Favorite Holiday Traditions?


We have so many and I am so excited to see my daughters' joy when we experience them again.  They include: The Nutcracker of course, Jammie Christmas, Zoo Lights with Mimi and Papa, Feast of the 7 Fishes on Christmas Eve, and I love going to The Festival of Trees with My Mom :)



2. What Holidays Do You Celebrate?

We celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas and we start decorating and celebrating in November because I say "Follow The Joy" and if the decorations and celebrations and traditions make you happy then go for it!



3.  How Early Do You Shop?


I will typically start in October...this year I feel I took advantage of some early sales.  I have more shopping to do but hope to complete it by Black Friday. 



4. When Do you Decorate?


Well if you have been following along for awhile then you know it is around 11/1! 



5. Do you Host Any Holiday Festivities?

Yes...of is one of my passions.  Every year I typically host Thanksgiving BUT everyone is giving me a break this year for two reasons. 1. My recovery after my surgeries and 2. The Nutcracker- we all want to enjoy every single second this year and not worry about the work and stress of hosting!


After the Nutcracker I will be ready to host again and will be hosting my annual Favorite Things Party the following weekend. 



6. Favorite Holiday Meals or Recipes to Share?


I love appetizers and going to parties that just have fancy appetizers especially during the holidays BUT my favorite food tradition is the "Feast of the Seven Fishes" on Christmas Eve- it is an Italian Catholic Tradition and I live for it.  I used to make a Calamari with Potatoes and Peas in Red Sauce for this event.  You can find that recipe HERE

 More recently, I have made a real crowd pleaser and that is Lobster Risotto. You can find that one HERE


7. Best Holiday Organization Tips?




I have one list for shopping/gifts...another for Christmas Cards and yet another few hanging around with menus on them for my party and for Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. 


8. Gift Wrapping- Love it or Hate it?

Ugh..hate to say I hate anything but seriously...would love to hire someone ;)  My mom was a serious angel last year and came up to wrap several of my gifts :) 




9. Holiday Coffee Drink?   Yes Please?  or Hard Pass?

Yes please!!  My favorite time of year to be in Starbucks for anything is Christmas time...brings me JOY! I love an occasional Peppermint Mocha or seasonal latte :)



10. Are you a holiday baker?  Recipes to share?


I am not really much of a baker at all.  I am a cook and occasionally I will find a dessert recipe that just works like the "Rolo Ritz Bars".  Laurel is having some girls over for a festive night soon...we will be in our pj's and watching "Love Actually" and I have been ordered to make these gems and add a Christmas working on my idea.  You can find the original recipe  HERE

 and I do like to make a few kinds of Christmas Cookies each year.  My favorites include "Holly Berry Wreaths" HERE


and my Chocolate Peppermint Cookies HERE


 What are some of your holiday traditions?

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  1. You have so many fun and joyful traditions! Enjoyed reading about them and of course loved seeing pictures of some of the good food that accompanies many of your traditions. I know you're especially enjoying this year with all of the Nutcracker goodness that is happening now!

  2. So many fun traditions!! I did write up a post but since I already had 2 being published on my blog today I set my monthly musings to post tomorrow but I'll definitely pop back by and link up!

  3. Your Christmas Eve dinner looks so delicious!! Lists are absolutely the only way to stay organized. I love it. Follow the joy is the best mantra all year, but especially now!! Your decorations are beautiful. I can’t wait to hear about your favorite things party!

  4. I love hearing about your Feast Of The Seven Fishes. And I think it's hilarious that I recommended one of your cookie recipes and you claim you are not a baker!!! Enjoy the JOY!!!

  5. Oooh chocolate peppermint cookies. Yes please. Seriously, you need to hire an elf to wrap for you. High school and college gals are home and looking to make money this time of year. Thanks for following the Joy w me friend!

  6. All of those treats look really good! I love seeing everyone's traditions.

  7. You have so many fun traditions! It's the best time of the year. I don't enjoy wrapping either, but I wish I did. The lobster risotto looks delish! I love your outside festive!
