Monday, November 7, 2022

Hello Monday! (November 7, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  If you are reading this then I can tell you now that I was released to return to heated yoga this week- can I get a what what?  I am so excited and I am heading to class shortly! :)

Anyway, I have one more month before I can return to the more intense classes and to resume other activities but I am getting there and I am grateful!

Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by!  If you blogged today, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below...c''ll be fun!

Here is what our little weekend looked like....

Friday Night

We picked Diana up from dance and we headed to Derryfield School to see Caden's show.  He played Randy in The Outsiders.  It was amazing friends!  Such a great show- I now have to see the movie- can you believe I have never seen it?!  What a cast too- they all went on to do great things!


We were up before joke...and headed out for our date is unseasonably warm right now here in New England...I will take it!

Then it was time for Starbucks with my big girl...hey...and it's red cup season...a true glimpse of JOY

After I dropped her off I came home to get some cooking done for dinner and for the big brunch on Sunday

Later on, I grabbed our mail and our town newspaper was there and look what I spotted on the front page!  Thankful for friends who have already started to drop off copies for us!

Eva and I then took Remi for a walk...he still runs and pulls but is getting slightly better...slightly!


Pidge and I then headed out to The Village Bean to grab a few more copies of the newspaper for the grandparents and then grab her a treat.

Then we went to watch a little of Diana's rehearsal and bring her home.  All the while, Daddy was doing yard work for us.

That night, we had the coziest night with a homemade turkey dinner and decorating our big tree in the family room...perfect night in my book!





It was time for "Clara's Nutcracker Brunch" was work for me but I was so happy with the way things turned out...everyone loved the food and drinks and had a great time...loved hearing the different Nutcracker stories... (separate post coming on this lovely morning this week!)


Later on, it was time for more rehearsals and Mrs. Mullen let Mimi and me watch the battle scene mom's dream came true :)



Last night, we attended the final cast meeting of the is getting real here! 

 Our shirts are in too- just love the design this year!

 Have a great week friends!



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  1. So warm here, too! Things are supposed to change by next weekend, though! Ah, the Starbucks holiday cups! Love a peppermint mocha! Your home looks so festive and cozy and I am sure The Nutcracker is helping you get in the mood. Congrats on being able to go to hot yoga!

  2. What a wonderful weekend! I love everything about it for you- the weather (we had that lovely warmth as well!!), the decorating, the newspaper article, the brunch and getting to see some of rehearsal. Looking forward to reading more about the brunch. Have a great Monday!

  3. I'm so glad you're feeling better and better! I know you probably enjoyed going back to your yoga class. Sounds like the perfect weekend!

  4. It was a wonderfully warm weekend here too! And so much Nutcracker goodness in this post. I LOVE it!!!

  5. Yay to it all! Hot Yoga, Christmas decor, rehearsal, Starbucks cups, warm temps! LOVE seeing you smile too!

  6. I can't believe how warm these past few days have been! It looks like you had a nice weekend and I love your Christmas tree. Enjoy your day and week. :)

  7. The battle scene in the leotards is adorable!

  8. So glad you got to go back to hot yoga this week! I am loving our unseasonably warm weather.

  9. How sweet that your mom got to go to the rehearsal! Hooray for getting back to yoga! Enjoy! Wasn't that weather so amazing? I'm glad you got to enjoy it for your date walk. The Nutcracker shirts are cute. I bought The Outsiders for Jack to read last year but I don't think he's read it yet. I've never read it or seen the movie. I should probably do that! Have a great week!
