Monday, November 14, 2022

Hello Monday (November 14, 2022)


 Hi Friends!  Thanks for stopping by!  Sarah and I would love you to join us today if you blogged.  Grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!
Well friends, we are coming off a very cozy weekend in these parts....we called it "the calm before the storm" weekend the craziness begins on Friday night with the beginning of "tech weekend" for the Nutcracker and both girls are being called in several nights for extra rehearsals we rested up and got more excited and nervous and rested some more and truly tried to enjoy every moment!
I apologize for the lack of photos but I think that's a good thing...Here is what our little weekend looked like... 
Friday Night
It was Veteran's Day and the kids had no school so Diana was in rehearsal for 8 hours...eek!  Eva talked Rob into playing some driveway hockey after work. When I looked up from my computer, I knew I needed to snap a shot!

and I snapped a pic of our Christmas Bedroom- one of my fave places to be!

That night, Diana's dance pal Anya came over and we got Italian takeout and watched Hallmark :)

 We slept in a little then I took the girls to Dunks (Starbucks was closed...ugh) and we enjoyed a quick breakfast then I dropped them at the studio.  
Then I took a drive up to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods and picked up some dinner items and some treats of course!  TJ's is just starting to get in some Christmas gems- yeah!

 and then I made some sides for dinner and headed to pick up Diana.
We had a short window to get her fitted for new pointe shoes and of course headed to The Dancer's Closet in Nashua. Linda is THE BOMB...we love her!

Then we headed back to the studio for rehearsals.  
These two tho

I took the chance to sew her new pointe shoes and hang out with the mamas who were sewing costumes.
That night, we enjoyed a family dinner and more Hallmark :)


It was time for mass and grocery ordering and then more rehearsals.

Then last night, I met up with the Fab Four at Copper Door to catch up and maybe enjoy their "Cupcake of the Month" which was Chocolate Peanut Butter ;)

Ready to Hit Our Week Hard!

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  1. What a great weekend! I'm impressed that your hubby watches Hallmark with you. Mine laughs at me every time I offer to watch one with him. Ha! It actually works out for us, though, because I like to read while he watches whatever he wants to watch. He rarely gets the chance to just sit and do that, so I don't mind. I know you're all excited for the beginning of the play! I can't wait to read/see more about this. I hope you have a great day!

  2. It sounds like a great weekend! Your bedroom looks so perfect! I can imagine how excited you are about the upcoming festivities and events. Glad you had a restful weekend before the busyness starts.

  3. I too love your pretty bedroom decorated for Christmas. It looks like you had a nice weekend. Enjoy the week.

  4. I love the idea of going out for cupcake of the month!

  5. I love your Christmas bedroom! So cozy!! I need to head to Trader Joes and grab some Christmas goodies! :)

  6. Oh your Christmas bedroom is amazing! I wouldn't want to leave that room either. Best of luck with the craziness coming up. I'm sure your girls will blow it out of the park.

  7. Sounds like a great week and I love the Italian take out and Hallmark combo!

  8. I love your Christmas bedroom. So cozy! Looks like a great weekend!

  9. We watched a lot of Hallmark this weekend too! And Rachel found out this past week that she gets to start pointe next year and she is THRILLED!

  10. @Natasha SO excited for Rachel- such a wonderful time :)

  11. Lovely photos and your Christmas bedroom looks really beautiful. Cupcake of the month is a fabulous idea. Love it!

