Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Halloween 2022!

 Hi Friends!  Have you all recovered from Halloween?

Can't wait to see all of the costumes!

Here is what our Halloween looked like.....

Diana headed over to her friend's house with her dance pals and they went out in his neighborhood- got this pic sent to me :)

and Rob, Eva and I took off for the Callahan's and enjoyed dinner at their house 


 We went as a family of skeletons...or Spooky Scary Skeletons which apparently is also our "theme song" this year!


and then amazing Trick-Or-Treating in their neighborhood- I swear this is the most candy either of my kids ever received- so many of the houses were giving full size bars!  Eeek!


 The gang's all here- Happy Halloween!

and the Mamas (and Dads) are too :)

 Trick Or Treat!


Kevin drove his truck and Kary drove her car and we took turns walking and riding along which was a blast!

Eva had the time of her life hanging out with her school besties and was even more excited when we bumped into her dance and theater friends and they joined us for the rest of the night!


 This nice officer stopped to give the kids some candy- have never seen that before- so amazing!

Then I spied these funny kids- singing at the top of their lungs- knowing every word to this song by The Weekend

What a great night!  Tough on a Monday night but we all rallied!  Hope yours was amazing too!


 Sneak peak of our Halloween Steps before it all comes down tonight :)



  1. It looks like such a fun night!

  2. What a great night! I love your family costumes- so cute and creative. Love how much fun you all had. Monday night was the only bummer for sure... but those memories will be worth being extra tired on Tuesday. Tuesday can be an early to bed night (hopefully!)

  3. Halloween is so fun, love the costumes!

  4. Looks like a fun Halloween! I love your family skeleton costumes.
