Monday, August 15, 2022

Hello Monday and Hello Washington D.C!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  We just got back last night from an amazing weekend in DC!  My little Eva's dream came true and we all loved this city and the weather was just perfect for all of our sightseeing!  If you blogged today, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below.  Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by!

Here is what our little weekend looked like:


We were up at 3am and out of the house by 3:30!  We drove to Woburn to grab the Logan Express (airport shuttle).  We were at the airport by 4:30am and zipped right through security!  We then sat down for breakfast and killed some time until our 7am flight!


 We took off promptly at 7am and landed in DC by 8:20!  We were at our hotel, Conrad by Hilton by 9am!

We checked in...checked out the view...



Dreamed of Becoming President...


and doing the teenager things...sigh...

 then found out that Daddy had scored a tour of the capitol- yeah!  We were so excited!  So we headed straight out!


While walking up to the gate, we spotted the Supreme Court Building too!



and then heading to the capitol, we snapped a few pics of course...and had an innocent bystander snap a family pic too of course ;)



Once we were inside, we were a little early for our tour so we killed some time in the exhibition hall and it was really cool!



Elle Woods Representing

Then it was time for our tour and it was amazing!  We learned about the history of the building, all of the statues donated and saw the beautiful architecture...we saw the old senate chambers and we even saw Nancy Pelosi's office!



After our tour, we Uber'd over to the famous Ted's Bulletin for  Lunch- it was awesome!

The girls got their specialty shakes with their lunches, Rob got one of his faves grilled cheese and tomato soup and since I love to try the specialties of the area, I opted for the crab cake sandwich which was amazing!

We grabbed some of their desserts to take back to our hotel for the weekend and they were to die for!  After lunch, we walked the couple of miles to the White House...great way to work off our lunch AND get the steps in...the weather really cooperated...unseasonably moderate temps from what I hear!  The White House was just MAJESTIC...plain and simple!


What we also loved about DC was all of the beautiful architecture...all of the homes and buildings were so different and the city is SO CLEAN...just beautiful!

After seeing the White House, we Uber'd back to our hotel to rest for awhile.

Then that night, we headed to the famous Old Ebbitt Grill for dinner and we would highly recommend!  Awesome atmosphere and great food!

After that, we Uber'd back to our hotel and crashed for the night but did check out the view from the rooftop bar quickly- pretty cool!



That morning we were up by 7am to get ready for our packed today!  We walked across to Starbucks for a quick breakfast and then we were on our way!  We Uber'd to the Arlington National Cemetery which ended up being my favorite part of the trip.

As my friend described to me, "it is hauntingly beautiful"...."you will be wrecked" and those words rang so so true...from President and Mrs Kennedy's the eternal flame...and the beautiful grounds and grave sites to the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier and the Changing Of The was all just beautiful...hauntingly beautiful



After the cemetery, we Uber'd over to The National Museum of American History.

On the way, we spotted The Pentagon!

The Museum is one of the Smithsonian Institutes and it did not disappoint- there was so much history associated with transportation, food, innovation, technology, business, politics and entertainment- so fun!


Eva getting to be The President!

After the museum, we had no reservations or plans for lunch and decided to hit the Hard Rock Cafe- Daddy always loves checking these out in different cities so we Uber'd over to the DC one and had a great casual lunch

While there, we were trying to decide if we should go to the Holocaust Museum...Eva kept begging us but we really thought it would be too heavy- I checked with one of my friends and she agreed- she said it is best for kids in middle school and older.  

Then I remembered that we might be able to get into Ford's Theater (where President Lincoln was shot).  As we walked out of the restaurant, we were trying to figure out if we could walk there and then we looked up and saw that it was right across the street- I kid you not!  

Eva was thrilled!  President Lincoln is one of her faves and she loved seeing the theater and reading up on the history but truth be told, she taught us more than the museum did!  We got the whole timeline from her as we were touring the museum and the home across the street where he passed away.  Things I never knew!

After that, we Uberd back to our hotel to take a nap before the final leg of our packed day!

That night, we headed to the famous Founding Farmers for dinner and it did not disappoint!

and then it was dusk and starting to get dark out and time to see some of the famous monuments.  

We headed to The Washington Monument first- so huge and grand and amazing!

It's so funny...I thought the monuments would all be closer together but nope!  From there, we found a bathroom and then made the long walk to the Jefferson Memorial in the dark- eek!  We were so happy when we finally reached it- it was so grand and majestic like most other things in D.C!

Almost there!


Made it!


After visiting the memorial, we checked out the views of the Washington Monument and Capitol from there- in the dark- all lit up- incredible!


 From there, we were so tired but needed to power through to see the Lincoln Memorial before calling it a night!  So we Uber'd over there.....and it was all it was cracked up to be!  Majestic is the first word that keeps coming to mind...sorry for the redundancy!

and the view from the Lincoln Memorial

At this point we were all toast and I was starting to feel sick...unfortunately a common occurrence this summer...ugh!  We hailed our last Uber of the day and got back to the hotel to crash





It was our 18 year anniversary!  Funny story...we kept thinking it was 19 years for the past few weeks and Zach had to correct us-whoops!  So funny :)

Anyway, we had special reservations at the Four Seasons Hotel for a fancy brunch with the girls and it did not disappoint!


 After brunch, we headed back to our hotel to chill for a bit and then it was time to check out and head back to the airport...

What a wonderful trip! Eva said it made her dream come true so I will take it!  She left with the best treasures too- a book about congress, a Lincoln statue for her room and a copy of The US Constitution- FTW!

Mission Accomplished!





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  1. You definitely hit all the hot spots of this grand city. Ford's Theater is such a Good tour.

  2. What a fabulous trip!! You packed in so much.

  3. I’ve been waiting for this post! I love DC so much! You went to almost all the places we went when we were there and also wonderful! Been thinking about you, please email me and let me know when your surgery is so I can pray for you!

  4. Wow! What great pictures of all the fabulous places you saw in DC. You have to get Eva to Springfield, IL to see the Lincoln Museum and all the Land of Lincoln attractions. Fly into Chicago, spend a couple of days there and then drive to Springfield for a day or two ;). Loved the pictures and Happy Anniversary!

  5. Your girls were at such fun ages for this! This brought back memories of our DC trip when our twins were in 2nd grade. I remember Tom was scared that the city would be dangerous, but we felt fine. Our kids loved riding the subway there, too! They memorized the order of the stops and then announced them - lol. This trip prompted us to do Colonial Williamsburg on our next trip. I'm so glad you got to do this!
