Wednesday, April 27, 2022

What's Up Wednesday: April 2022


Hi Friends!  Join me as I share "What's Up With Us!"

Linking up HERE

Here goes nothing....

What We're Eating This Week

Monday - Grilled Chicken Salads

Tuesday - Chicken and Broccoli Stir Fry with Brown Rice

Wednesday- Chicken Burgers, Corn On The Cob, Brussel Sprouts, Pickles

Thursday - Girls eating out in Dartmouth- Daddy Takeout (Heading to see Mama's College!)



Friday 4/28/22- Pizza and Salad



What I'm Reminiscing About


Shopping for a dress for Diana right now for her 8th grade semi formal and it's bringing back all sorts of memories of my mom shopping with me...ahh the difficulties of shopping with a teen- HA! 


What I'm Loving

This job makes my job so much more fun when we are bombarded with is challenging to find great candidates but I love the challenge!


What We've Been Up To

Diana attended a master class and performance with ABT and had a blast!

The girls got fitted for their dresses for Kayla's wedding!


Date Walks have continued :)

We LOVED watching Diana do her thing and play Sally in the WMS Production of Charlie Brown

The Living Stations Of The Cross did not disappoint!

Eva is having a blast at softball especially practicing for her All Star Tournaments!

We enjoyed all of our annual Easter traditions like making resurrection rolls, bunny breads, birds nest cookies and coloring eggs especially with Mimi and Papa

Sometimes...our date walks have been turning into family walks ;)

Mama and Bethany crushed Staff Appreciation Week (insert bicep emoji here)

We enjoyed a food tasting for Kayla and Marshall's wedding!

and loved hearing Diana sing in her spring choral concert

and we celebrated Eva's 8th Birthday with our family this past weekend (her friend party will be next month when everyone is back in town!)


What I'm Dreading

Nothing at the moment!

What I'm Working On

My full time job, balancing family and work, my health, Blackout Cancer 2022 and summer plans!

What I'm Excited About

Seeing the girls dance in Beauty and the Beast and a weekend in Nantucket with my besties :)

What I'm Watching/Reading

I'm watching my usual faves including A Million Little Things, This Is Us and the nightly news- preferably WCVB (Channel 5 Boston)

and then my love of crime documentaries continues...just finished "The Dropout" based on Elizabeth Holmes and her company Theranos- just disgusted by how crazy this woman is and how she could've hurt so many people...pure greed and insanity

Amanda Seyfried did an amazing job portraying her!


Any other crime documentaries you can recommend?  Ha!  I need a new one please

and I got three books in for April...they were

Nantucket Weddings by Pamela Kelley


Book 5 in the Beach Plum Cove Series

This was a sweet one :)


Reminders Of Him by Colleen Hoover

She never disappoints!  This is our Book Club read for this month too :)

and finished the Beach Plum Cove Series with Book 6

Nantucket Threads

another fast and fun read!


What I'm Listening To

A little bit of everything...lately I have been too busy to think about music so Diana takes over with her playlist in the can usually count on Taylor Swift...Olivia Rodrigo and Amy Winehouse ;)

What I'm Wearing

Ugh..sore subject...just waiting on real spring weather here when I can wear all of the has been some more bright colors but still layers...and still some black because it has been in the 40's and 50s- double UGH!


What I'm Doing This Weekend

Will be heading back from UMD with my girls and Lea and her kids- we are introducing the kids to our college and visiting some of our old local hangouts :)  Cannot wait....the rest of the weekend will be pretty low key...taking my Father In Law to start suit shopping for Kayla's wedding and then will get to watch Eva play in a softball tournament on relaxing and fun!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

Nantucket, Memorial Day Weekend and hopefully time in our pool!

What Else Is New?

Patty and I are hosting Monthly Musings tomorrow!  We are talking all things travel and vacations....check out our questions below.  Hope you will join us!


  1. What a great April!! I can’t wait to hear about your trip to an anruckest with your girlfriends!

  2. This Grandma (party-time speech pathologist) from Waco wants to give you a huge shout out for handling all your roles so elegantly!You are an inspiration to all🤩!

  3. What a fun month! I hope you have an amazing weekend!!!

    And yes, why can't we just be wearing spring clothes. I am NOT impressed with this weather. Ugh.

    Can't wait for Monthly Musings tomorrow!!!

  4. Loved hearing about life lately and Easter! I absolutely loved the Dropout - so good. Have you watched Impeachment or Dopesick? They were both good!

  5. You have so much good stuff going on! I have not heard of the Netflix series you mentioned- the Dropout? and am always on the hunt for a good series. Will check it out. For a fun, silly definitely not true crime series, watch Good Girls on Netflix. Good luck with the dress shopping and will look forward to hearing about your college town adventures with the next generation ;).

  6. @Diane you are TOO KIND-thank you so much for your kind words-they made my day XO

  7. Thank you for the recommendations Maria!
