Monday, April 25, 2022

Hello Monday and Hello to The Birthday Girl!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Hope you had a great weekend!  If you blogged today, please grab our graphic above and link up with us below!  Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by!

Here is what our little weekend looked like.....

Friday Night

The girls had dance and acting and while they were at the studio, Rob and I snuck in a quick little date night at Coach Stop down the street...forgot to snap a pic but the two of us just looked at each other and said we just needed this....we are in the season of business and intensity and after things being cancelled for two years, we are still getting back into the normal life routine thing- HA!

After that, I picked up Diana and went home and he took Eva to her All Star Softball practice.  Then we called it a night!

our king was happy when we returned home ;)


We started with our traditional date walk first thing and Daddy was much happier- HA!

Then Daddy brought Diana to dance so I could go to my semi-annual dermatologist appointment.  Thank GOD I got a clean bill of health- woosh- sometimes it is stressful being a sun worshiper!

Then I ran to the grocery store to get the food we needed for our weekend and then it was time to take my teenager to the mall to get some clothes for her upcoming trip AND hopefully a dress for her 8th grade semi-formal.  Friends?  It  was dresses tried on and she didn't like one of them...eek!  At least she got some cute outfits for her trip and she can wear them all spring and summer...

Pidge went to stay with Papa and Daddy golfed with the guys.

I whipped up a Japanese appetizer platter to bring to the Saklad's that night. They had us over for an amazing sushi dinner- yum!

Diana stayed at home with a bestie


It was Miss Eva's Birthday!  She turned 8 years old!  How can that be????

We started with birthday doughnuts and presents!


and then we had some appetizers that Mama made while the family was arriving...

and then pizza and salads were on tap!

Finally, we enjoyed another amazing cake by Kat...Eva wanted her and Remi on the cake this year- it came out precious!

Time for presents and pictures! :)

(Missing from the photos and the celebration were my parents- unfortunately my Dad got COVID- boo and so scary but after a few days he is feeling much better- Praise God!)

Lea and Mike came by last night with a gift for our Bday girl and stayed for some snacks and a cocktail.

Happy Happy Birthday to our Sweet Eva- a full post dedicated solely to our baby is coming up this week!  It was a great birthday weekend for her :)

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  1. What a wonderful weekend! I can't get over how good that cake is. I hope your daughter had a wonderful birthday!

  2. It looks like you all had a wonderful weekend and family fun too!

  3. We also hosted a birthday party this weekend with pizza and cake! It was so nice and easy and I was so glad my son had requested that. We also had grandparents missing due to Covid (they were exposed and while not showing symptoms didn't feel like they should come). Glad your dad is already feeling better! Looks like another wonderful and full weekend in the books.

  4. Awe! Great pics of the birthday girl on her big day. Her smile is just precious! Glad you got things done and had fun too over the weekend.

  5. Happy Birthday Eva! That is a beautiful cake. Looks like it was a good weekend!

  6. Okay, that cake is ADORABLE!!! And now I want some deviled eggs - YUM! :)
