Monday, February 7, 2022

Hello Monday (February 7, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Are you ready for a new week?  I sure am!  As always, sharing what our little weekend looked like...



Friday Night


Friday overall was an icy day here...Rob and I worked and the kids had no school so they thoroughly enjoyed decompressing (side note: this was their last official snow day of the year, if we have a snow day from here on out, they will be remote learning days)


Rob had a gig so the girls and I crashed with our pizza and salad and got to bed early!  (Well Remi too!)





It was way too cold and icy out for our date walk- boo!  So disappointing ;(  I took my time and drove slowly so Diana and I could hit Starbucks for our Sat morning time and then Dunks to pick up a Birthday Donut for her friend Harry...then she was off to Saturday Morning Ballet. 



I spoiled myself and picked up a smoothie from Troy's for breakfast and then it was home for a little more SATC before our day got crazy.  Daddy took Eva to hockey and then we met up at home.


Someone LOVES sunning himself ;)

We went to our tax appointment then picked Diana up and took her to her appointment for her booster shot and then we picked up Pidge from Papa and made the rounds...when we picked up Diana, I got to see her rehearsing her ballet # for YAGP :)


We picked up Diana's friend and we all went to meet out besties for a fun Mexican dinner and Caden's show- he was in Mamma Mia at Derryfield and it was an AMAZING SHOW!  Such a great night :)





It was time for mass and then we divided and conquered- Rob took Eva to her softball clinic and to do groceries and I took Diana to her YAGP Dress Rehearsal- it was a really fun day and I snapped many shots "behind the scenes"  



We had Asian takeout from a little bistro in the next town over and called it a day!



Fun little winter weekend- what were you up to? 





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  1. Oh Diana's dance shots are so fun and beautiful. She is so graceful. And I would love to see Mamma Mia in person. I've only seen the movie.

  2. Mama Mia looks so fun! The dance photos are stunning as usual. Looks like a great eekend!

  3. Amazing dance pictures! How graceful and beautiful. It's so fun to see a great show- and to know someone in makes it that much better!! Your weekend looks good in spite of the cold and ice :).

  4. I hope your weather warms up a little. Love all the ballet pictures!

  5. Mamma Mia looks so fun; I love those colorful costumes. Your daughters costumes are beautiful too!!

  6. Looks like such a fun production of Mama Mia! Diana's dance photos are so beautiful!

  7. Ice is the WORST!! I’m glad you made the best of the weekend. Diana’s dance photographs are so amazing - her talent and the poses (I think that’s what it’s called) are magnificent!
