Monday, February 14, 2022

Hello Monday and Hello YAGP Weekend!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Happy Valentine's Day too!  Hope you all had an amazing weekend!  It was YAGP Weekend for us in these parts...such an amazing experience and relieved it is over for this year anyway!  I will share the professional photos and videos in a separate post once they all come in!


So...What were YOU up to?  Don't forget if you blog today, to link up with Sarah and me here!

Here is what our lovely weekend looked like

Thursday Night

This is when the weekend started for Diana and me.  We packed up the car and headed to Worcester.  We checked into our hotel and met our friends in the lobby for a quick cocktail/tea.  Then we headed out to meet the rest of our crew at Via Italian Table- it was an awesome Italian restaurant and we had a blast

We also celebrated Harry's Bday with a surprise dessert and serenade :)

Meanwhile at home....English Muffin Pizzas were on tap! :)

Post Dinner Silliness


We were up bright and early...I took the day off so I could be there for my little love...first up hair and makeup...then coffee stat!


 (Side Note: Neck and Back are getting straighter thanks to Dr. Dan) :)

When we got to the theater we were greeted by Diana's bestie Harry and we got some cute shots of them going in...

Pensive before I had to say goodbye and Break A Leg!

 The parents had to wait a bit before the theater officially opened but once it did, we snagged our seats quickly...I was so excited that my parents could come and see Diana perform/compete live this year...last year it was not allowed due to the C word

(We were not able to take pics and videos in the theater- I had to sneak this one)

Rob watched from home- he was able to stream while he worked....Diana did her contemporary number first..."Life Is But A Dream"

 and later on, her ballet number "Fairy Doll"

 The LDA kids were all amazing- just an awesome experience being able to see what their months of hard work produced- so proud of them all!  

Diana with my parents afterwards...Mimi and Papa were so proud!

A few group shots after the comp...



Mrs. Mullen was in Mexico judging Performance Awards but the kids were excited that their other Ballet Teacher Shannon Smith was able to be there with them!


On the way home, we stopped for an awesome and fun these kiddos!

That night, the girls crashed with Papa and Rob and I headed to the School District Deliberative of my favorite nights all year where the School Board discusses the warrant articles that will be on the ballot in March.  Before the session, my two besties and I met up for dinner (Shannon- she is actually the School Board Chair) and Bethany my PTA Partner In Crime)

 Getting started at Windham High School


 We all joked was the most uneventful deliberative in history...done in less than an craziness..woohoo!  Got to bed nice and early which we all needed!


We were up bright and early for a visit with Dr. Dan and then tried to hit Fuel Good for a tea for Diana and a shake for me but they didn't open until 9am so we opted for a quick coffee and breakfast at Village Bean

I saw this on a shelf at of my favorite quotes of all JFK...

Our Dance Pals met at our house and I drove us back to Worcester so the girls could take their master classes

 While the girls were in their classes, the moms walked around Worcester (it was a beautiful day and unseasonably warm in the high 50's!)  Then we had a nice long lunch and there may have been some cocktails laughs ;)

 After classes, we snagged a pic and headed home again

When we got home, we freshened up and brought Diana to a sleepover birthday party for one of her a few pics from the mom :)

Pidge crashed with Papa again and they got busy doing their drawings...warms my heart

Rob and I headed out to dinner with the McLains...we enjoyed an awesome night at Elm Square Oyster in Andover...we joked that it was our Valentine Dinner :)

Diana and I kept up our "Snapchat Streak"...whatever that means ;)




It was time for mass and then my parents came over with Valentine treats and donuts for the girls and we enjoyed coffee and catching up

 The rest of the day consisted of meal planning, groceries, napping, a softball clinic for Pidge and then later on, Diana and I headed back to Worcester one last time with our dance pals so we could attend the awards ceremony for YAGP.


The kids were excited to dress up and attend the awards in person this year


Here is the LDA Crew


and we were so excited for Diana's pal Harry who placed in the Top 12 in his category!

It was a very FULL weekend....we are grateful!


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  1. Great pics from your weekend! Looks like another, good, full one. Love the dance pictures and hearing about the dance events of the weekend. What a great experience for the kids and especially this year with your parents being able to watch it. Have great Monday!

  2. So much fun and your little chef is so cute! Happy Valentines Day

  3. Yay for Diana's friend Harry! And how exciting that you and your parents got to see her dance in person this year! Also, I'm super impressed you could do her hair and makeup BEFORE coffee. Nothing happens before coffee over here :)

  4. What an exciting weekend! Diana is absolutely glowing when she’s dancing! Your Valentine’s Day date looks so yummy!! The oysters! Have a great week!

  5. What an awesome and fun weekend! I love your girls love for dance and theatre!

  6. So great that you could watch your daughter perform this year. Sounds like you had a really fun weekend! And those oysters looked huge! Yum, I love oysters.
