Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday Favorites (February 25, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  My kids have a snow day today BUT it is their first remote learning day so not as fun as a typical snow day but hey...they are headed into Winter Break so they really can't complain!


We are hopefully headed to Aruba on Monday...fingers crossed our C tests are negative and we can upload all of our paperwork properly!  Since I will be away, Sarah will be holding down the fort for Hello Monday!  So if you blog, make sure you visit Sarah and link up!


But enough of the housekeeping items, let's get to some faves from this week...



 Have you tried them yet?  I really don't need glasses but I do find that first thing in the morning, when doing work or reading my devotionals, the words see dark and sometimes fuzzy...well these little magnetic gems have made a difference!  They make the words more clear and more bright FTW.  They have so many cute styles.  Check them out HERE



 Mondays with Pidge


I get to pick Pidge up from school on Mondays and get her changed and bring her to dance class...this week, after I dropped her off, she was waiting for her class to begin and the studio posted this...we were cracking up....she always squishes my heart!




 Tuesdays in the Office


Always a privilege and joy with my Janie....she surprised me with some darling treats for Aruba...always so thoughtful










 Fave Meal Of The Week

Fluffernutter Protein Shake from Fuel Good Windham- Nuff Said




Axe Throwing with My Book Club

Yup!  I was scared but I powered through and it ended up being a blast- Shannon always has great ideas!  She hosted and decided to bring us on this adventure on Wednesday night- so glad I participated...felt like a BadAxx ;)


That's a wrap...short and sweet...I will be on vaca next week but promise to be back the following week!



Linking up for Friday Faves HERE


  1. Fingers crossed that you go on your trip! The kids were hoping for a snow day here too but they have had so many days off I think the schools are only closing if absolutely necessary now:) have a great weekend!

  2. Crossing fingers for your trip. I have been a fan of Peepers for a while. If you ever need them the bifocal sunglasses are amazing.

    Travel safe,

  3. I want to join your book club - looks like fun! Fingers crossed for your aruba trip!

  4. The kids smiling meme. That is so my kids at times. Ha. I hope you get to go on your trip! I love your new glasses. They look great on you!

  5. Love those axe throwing photos! We have a snow day today too but our district/state doesn't allow virtual days so we get to make them ALL up come summer-- ugh! I mean I love the unexpected days off in winter when it's cold and dark and I don't want to get up and drive but I just know we're going to hate driving to school in late June even more.
