Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Let's Look: Favorite Traditions Edition

 Hi Friends!  Joining Shay and Erica and sharing some of our favorite traditions this time of year....there are so goes nothing!

My Favorite Things Party

Just started this last year.  Prior to last year, I hosted a Recipe Exchange Party.  Both are fun but I think I am partial to the Favorite Things- I have everyone bring three of their favorite things- can be all the same or different.  Everyone picks three names and does a little "presentation" as to what they picked and why.  It is so much fun!  Everyone goes  home with three new favorite things!  I always serve appetizers and desserts and besties always help me by bringing some delicious apps and desserts too!

Last Year....

This Year...

Festival of Trees

This is another adult only tradition and one that my mom and I started. We love going to the festival and bidding on the beautiful trees- some have gifts attached too so it gets exciting.  Our joke now is that my mom says, every year, "I have a feeling about this year...I think we are going to win!" So funny...we haven't won yet!  We always grab dinner after and have a fun little Mom and Daughter night!

We pretended my mom won a tree and texted this pic to my Dad.....we think we are so funny ;)

Zoo Lights with Mimi and Papa

The rest of the traditions are really for the kids...and we all get to experience the joy.  My parents live right near the Stone Zoo and every year we go to see the Zoo Lights with them...we are heading there next weekend and can't wait!


 Jammie Christmas
We can thank Shay for sharing this idea years ago.  We now do this every year.  We get on our Christmas PJ's stop at Starbucks/elsewhere for Hot Cocoa and drive around listening to Christmas music and looking at all of the beautiful lights.  This year the girls are insisting that Remi join us for the first time- this should be interesting! 


Christmas Eve and the 
Feast of the Seven Fishes
This truly is a right of passage when you are a. Catholic and b. Italian.  Ha!
Each year we went to my Aunt's (my father's sister's house) and she would host us....we would all bring a fish dish...we all loved this tradition so so much.


Last year she didn't have it due to COVID and we thought we would pick right back up this year but it is not happening again.
I think last year was the beginning of our new tradition of hosting and we do fish...just not as many and it is small- just our parents and kids.

Some day, I will make it bigger when I give up some other hosting...for now, I think it is where we are supposed to be and our perfect.
Can't wait to read all about YOUR traditions :) 

Linking up for Let's Look HERE



  1. You have some great traditions! Everything looks so fun and festive.

  2. What fun traditions! We don't have any other than watching Elf on Thanksgiving and putting up our tree the next day.

  3. You've got such a great mix of traditions! I would love to attend a Feast Of Seven Fishes some year -- it sounds fun and delicious!

  4. Do you have jammies for Remi? If you do we need photos Stat!


  5. You are so festive-you have so many fun traditions!!
