Monday, December 6, 2021

Hello Monday and Hello The Most Festive Time Of The Year


Hi Friends!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  We sure did around here....Here is what it looked like

Friday Night

I hosted my annual ladies holiday night.  I used to do a recipe exchange party but last year I changed the format to a Favorite Things Party and we are enjoying this theme even more...we loved exchanging our favorite things like cosmetics, candles, treats and such.  There were many laughs and may ooohs and aaahhas!  It was such a fun night complete with delicious apps and desserts and a signature cocktail- Santa Clausmipolitans- will be blogging that recipe soon!



Remi was supervising ;)


Mama got a slow start and I enjoyed a new Hallmark movie- "Eight Gifts of Hannukah" while Daddy was a saint and took Diana to dance and Eva to a birthday party 

and then....

The Fournier and Breton Girls headed to Portsmouth (my favorite town in America).  We didn't know but the city was crowded in anticipation for their annual holiday parade- we were so preoccupied settling in and exchanging gifts and then going shopping that we only saw one float- ha!



Later on we had a lovely dinner at Martingale Wharf


 home...the boys were chillin' ;)


and then we headed back to our hotel to play some cards before calling it a night!



 Diana ended up crashing with the Fournier Girls and getting silly with Alana...Cass sent me this cute pics...

and Pidge and I crashed while watching Christmas Vacation- one of our faves (we probably lasted 10 minutes before we fell asleep- ha!)



It was a leisurely morning before we all checked out and headed to a fun brunch at GOAT- a local must stop!


Someone was lovin' on Cass big time :)

My special and beautiful God daughter


Once we got home the girls played and I took a much needed nap- Daddy and Remi did a great job holding down the fort, doing some yard work and getting us organized for the week.


Out little fam headed to mass last night and then crashed early! 


Our church is beautifully decorated - had to snap a pic!

 That's a wrap...Happy Monday..what were you up to?


Linking up for Hello Monday HERE


  1. Looks like the perfect holiday weekend!! Those drinks look delicious so I cant wait to see the recipe. I love your dining room you remember where you got it?

  2. Hi Jaclyn! I think you mean our kitchen table- the dining room is so scratched up and I have it covered with a tablecloth- the kitchen table is from Bernie and Phyl's :)

  3. What a fun weekend. Can't wait to hear what's in the signature drink!

  4. What a fun weekend! I love your favorite things party pictures; you can tell you all have a fabulous time together.

  5. You have the best traditions! The picture of your dog with that beer near him cracks me up. It's like he really wants is... meanwhile, I am drooling over the picture of the chocolate whoopie pies :). Glad you got some much needed rest, too.

  6. That was a fun weekend! Favorite things parties are the best! I’d love to know what everyone’s favorite was? I have discovered so many new great things at those parties! Your Christmas overnight with the Fourniers was a great getaway! Ending the weekend with mass at your lovely church sounds like a perfect way to end it! Thanks for sharing and keep following that joy!!

  7. Your party looks so festive and fun! I bet you ladies had a fabulous time! I’m jealous of that girls trip. So fun!
