Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween Weekend 2021!

 Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Hope you had a wonderful Halloween Weekend!  We sure did here!

Here is what it looked like

Friday Night

We let Diana have friends over to get ready for their first ever school dance!  Due to COVID, their 6th grade dance was cancelled. All 7th grade dances were cancelled but third time is a charm- they finally got to experience this right of passage in 8th grade!

Diana dressed up as Elle Woods from Legally Blonde but hers was from a new adaptation of Legally she is with Bruiser Woods ;)

It was a Halloween Dance :)

While the girls were getting ready, Pidge unfortunately had an accident.  She was running up the stairs, fell and smashed her face- she got several bruised teeth and gums, a bloody nose and fat lip..there was so much blood I almost passed out....very scary...Motrin and a Frosty from Wendy's did make her feel better and we felt better consulting with her dentist over the phone by sending poor Pidge!

I dropped the girls off and then we attended the Nutcracker Cast meeting via Zoom and then Rob, Eva, Remi and I headed upstairs to get cozy and watch Hallmark...I know I know ;)

We also let Diana have the girls sleep over after the dance and I was worried we wouldn't get any sleep but we did!  Even though they were up most of the night, they were pretty quiet downstairs!  FTW!

Love this crew!  Great night!


I got up early and since it was raining we didn't get our date walk in but I made the girls a huge breakfast- Breakfast Sliders, Bagels and Cream Cheese and Pumpkin Skeleton Muffins :)  (unfortunately Diana had to miss breakfast- big sacrifice- she was at ballet by 8:30- so proud of her)


Later on, once all of the girls were picked up, I got Diana from dance and we headed to have her get fitted for some special demi-point shoes she needs for some upcoming ballet exams, and we also grabbed a quick sushi lunch which was dynamite


The rest of the day was full of chilling and Hallmark ;)

 Remi still doesn't understand the concept of personal space- ha!

That night, the girls spent some time with Papa and we grabbed a few beers at a local brewery "Pipe Dream Brewery" with Laurel and Tom

This was my "brewery look"...reminds me of the 90' fave decade

Unbeknownst to us they were having a costume party- we enjoyed some of the creative costumes like this "Blind Date"- so cute!


We also bumped into our Dance Pals Misty and Johny- so much fun catching up!



It was the big day.  We headed to mass and then the girls both had Nutcracker rehearsals.  Then we got organized for the week and got ready to head over to the Batsons...we had a blast Trick Or Treating on our golf carts and hanging back at the house with yummy food and fun to see the kids all enjoying themselves...felt very grateful :)


Eva was Secret Service to President Reagan ;)


I was a Dark Angel


Me with the Skeleton Princess (Lea)



The Queen of Halloween



Recreating their epic shot- ha!



Elle Woods with her pal The King from Hamilton :)


Then we paid Harry (The King) to sing and laughed SO HARD!  He is so talented...we were getting silly!

It was a great Halloween Weekend!  What were you all up to?

Now it's November 1st so game on with our Christmas decorating and Nutcracker everything- brings me so much JOY!

Linking up for Hello Monday HERE


  1. It looks like you had a FULL and fun weekend!! It is sad Halloween is over. Got to focus on the next fun holidays.

  2. It looks like such an amazing and fun weekend; other than Pidge's fall but I am so glad she's Okay! I HATE how much mouth/ head wounds bleed.

  3. So many great pictures! It looks like you guys had a blast. Love all of the adults' costumes though the kids' were great too.

  4. I'm so sorry Pidge got hurt. I hope she's still okay. Mouth wounds are scary because there's so much blood.

    Other than that, it looks like you had such a fun weekend! Love all the costume photos!!!

  5. Eva's fall sounds so worrisome! I'm glad she's ok! Your Halloween looks so much fun!! I'm glad everyone had a great time!! And Diana's dedication - WOW!!

  6. So many awesome photos! I’m glad Diana and friends got to the dance, & I hope Eva is better. So scary! You rocked dark angel! I love it
