Monday, October 25, 2021

Hello Monday and Hello Countdown to Christmas! HA!


Happy Monday Friends!  Hope you all had a great is what ours looked like



A quick lunch with besties is just what the doctor ordered and the mushroom quinoa salad at Copper Door- yes please



That night...we did all the running around...brought Diana to voice, hip hop and acting, grabbed some dinner next door and then scooted Pidge out for hip hop.  


Love getting sneak peaks of behind the scenes...Diana and Caitlin doing a Halloween Improv in Hip Hop class.


Finished our dinner next door and then picked both girls up and went to the church for our monthly Family Faith meeting...Eva took the lead 

and then when we got home and crashed...some of us were in our glory because 

HALLMARK!  I exciting is the premier of Countdown To Christmas every year!  The first new Christmas movie premiered...Rob even watched with me from the comforts of our bedroom and Diana made herself a hot cocoa and snuggled up with Remi in my office to watch...glad I can pass this passion on to the next generation ;)






It remained dark for our entire date walk!  Can't wait to turn the clocks back...sigh

(yes that's a head lamp that he won at work...insert eye roll emoji here....)

 Our 2021 Ghosts

Then it was time for Starbucks and Dance...cracking me up as always with her impressions...

and I did it up in new sweater for the season ;)

 Then I went home and made my Halloween Snack Mix to surprise the girls.  My mom came up and we went to the craft fair in town...always good for a couple of Christmas Gifts and felt even better since it was cancelled last year!  We enjoyed it...and caught up..we picked up Diana and hung at home over coffee for a little bit...then it was time for Mimi to get home and us to get Pidge ready for Nutcracker rehearsal.


She had such a busy day!  She had a soccer game, her first away hockey game and then rehearsal.  Daddy took care of the morning...we divided and conquered like we always do to get it done!


 That night, Diana headed to a sleepover, Pidge hung out with Papa and Mama and Daddy headed out with the Batsons.  We were supposed to head into Boston to a steak house to celebrate our friend's birthday but ended up having to stay in town to be near the kiddos which was fine...we enjoyed a cozy night of catching up and many laughs as always...



and have you been enjoying the moon?  We have!  Yes it explains why some people are acting crazy right now but overall, it is just gorgeous and the perfect symbol of fall!


When we got home and crashed, there just had to be more Hallmark and someone else joined in as well...Eva in her sleeping bag on our rug and this guy in our squishy!




It was time for mass and then Daddy focused on the yard all day...we had so many leaves that needed to be blown away!  The girls had several Nutcracker rehearsals, we got organized for the week and then when relaxing, there may have been a bit more Hallmark..ha!! However, you will find our home in an identity crisis right now...Hallmark on the inside and Halloween on the outside- HA!



That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful week friends!  It is going to be a busy one here on this blog!


Linking up for Hello Monday HERE


  1. I love the dance video! Hope you have a great week!

  2. Your front porch is so perfect for fall! I can't let myself watch the Hallmark holiday movies just yet... maybe after Halloween. That snack mix looks yummy. You guys had a lot going on yet it looks like you had a lot of fun, too.

  3. Your weekend sounds like equal parts fun and equal parts exhausting! How do you cram so much into just a few short days?!

  4. I love that sweater! 🤣 and the snack mix looks amazing!
