Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Currently: October 2021


Hi Friends...It's October...and I am linking up with Anne and sharing what's up with us currently... 


borrowing: A Summer Sausage Snack- sounds funny I know but there is a farm in Vermont that my friends and I love to purchase snack sausages and organic meats from.  It is called Dakin Farms.  Cass has some extra sausage and since I am hosting wine group tomorrow night, I asked her if she could spot me a sausage for my charcuterie- ha! 



buying: odds and ends for Kayla and Marshall's engagement party...want to make sure it is a top shelf celebration!

planning: a weekend getaway to NYC- so excited to head back for a show but also to tour the 9/11 museum and memorial

prepping: for a fun fall weekend- the Milford Pumpkin Festival is back- YEAH!

reading: just finished "Bad Fall" by Charles Crawford.  I read it in school in 8th grade and never forgot it so I bought it on Amazon for Diana and we are both reading it but I whipped through it.  So now I started my 2nd book of the month, "Not A Happy Family" by Shari far so great as her other novels!


 So...what's going on with YOU currently? :)


  1. I am on the waitlist for the Shari LaPena book at the library and I can’t wait for it. I love that you borrowed a sausage. Too funny. NYC sounds like so much fun! Can’t wait to hear about it!

  2. Yay for NYC!!! And I am laughing about the sausage! That is the BEST thing to borrow!!!

  3. I'll bet the fall festival will be amazing. The leaves are probably gorgeous there- and so many towns up there are adorable. Speaking of towns, well, cities, you will New York City well! Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

  4. Good luck with the engagement party; I know you'll knock it out of the park. You are the quintessential hostess! I hope you have a great time in NYC!

  5. Ooh love a good Fall festival! I hope you have a great time in NYC too.


  6. I can not wait to see what all you do in NYC! I know you will have a blast!!

  7. Yum! Summer sausage is such a great snack. I love wheat thins with a dollop of cream cheem of cream cheese topped with an olive. I hope you enjoy NYC and the fall festival what fun things to look forward too!
