Friday, September 10, 2021

Life Lately....September 2021


Thought I would share a little Life Lately....haven't been blogging as much...just trying to stay afloat.....still want to document here it goes...

Starting my Pumpkin Spice Coffee a little early this was calling to me...and of course I had to text these pics to Cass as I was toasting her :)

Speaking of Cass...she gave me this BEAUTIFUL cross for my birthday...I am not taking it off!

Back To School Haircuts?  Check!


and our little Happy plate in the kitchen is reflecting this new season :)



When your Yoga Teacher captures your Shavasana and posts it on Instagram...and you hope no one sees ;)

Then it was a wonderful Labor Day and Birthday Weekend!
My Besties treated me to a beautiful birthday dinner at Eddie V's ... I think it may have become my new favorite restaurant- gorgeous atmosphere- incredible food and impeccable service...complete with many laughs...perfect night!

We celebrated the lovely Suzy's Birthday too!

I took my actual birthday off....I truly relaxed...Lea took me to my happy place...the beach...and then to lunch at one of our faves, Poco's in Portsmouth...

My favorite house...of all time...some day I will have it when I have my own staffing firm ;)


One of Lea's gifts...we were dying...I tell her this all the time...when she is stressed...I take care of things and make them happen...just the way my parents taught me :)

and I had to snap a pic of this infamous table and send it to my parents...we always laugh about a time we were here and Diana was little and she pretended to be a mannequin in this window...she scared so many people walking by and we were howling!

That night, the Batsons came over with a cake for touched...I had a great birthday :)


and Remi always up in my him!

On Saturday of Labor Day Weekend, we enjoyed another date walk and got some things organized for the week.  Then our parents joined us and we all headed to our church for a special rosary ceremony followed by mass...we are all loving our new pastor.  After church, we came back to our house for pizza and my mom made me an amazing coconut birthday cake!  Grateful

On Sunday, my mom and I headed up to York, Maine...and I will tell you it is just what the doctor ordered...we stayed at the Stage Neck of my faves and our room overlooked the little beach and some of the ocean....I will tell you it was pure bliss sleeping with the sliders open and listening to the waves crash all night...put me in a complete trance!  It was so nice to be able to have cocktails and dinner right at the inn...we got to see a beautiful wedding and enjoyed the live entertainment all night too...

Meanwhile at home....Remi was holding down the fort....and then freaking out when the fam when outside to light some sparklers ;)


and they finished their night by playing with Daddy's hair- ha!

The next morning, my mom and I took a walk on the beach...the sunrise was breathtaking...

and enjoyed an amazing breakfast before heading home!

Later on, on Labor Day, the girls and I watched the new Cinderella movie with Camila did not disappoint!

I paid Gram a little visit...

and this week it was back to school and back to was also the first week of dance...the studio posted this pic from Wizard Of Oz it...our little diva is on the left...can you tell this is her happy place?  HA!

Soccer and hockey are also starting...I think after next week, we should be in the groove and used to our new crazy schedule...until then, I am excited for my Friday Night and low key weekend to rest and decompress!  Hope you all have a wonderful one!




Linking up for Friday Faves HERE


  1. It looks like you celebrated in style! I love that you had a mom and daughter getaway! I love the picture of the Wizard of Oz! Diana definitely has found her passion on the stage! I hear you on the busy times right now. Here’s hoping we find that routine quickly! Enjoy your Friday evening! Have a great weekend!

  2. It sounds like you had some really wonderful birthday celebrations! I am pinning this page too so I can remember the name of your hotel; I just love York, Me.

  3. Oh my! Your celebrations look amazing. Those coastal pictures and pictures of your food/ dessert- so good!! Diana's face on stage made me smile. There is nothing quite like knowing your kids are doing something they love.

  4. Looks like you had an amazing birthday! The Holly shirt is too fun! I love that you spend the day at the beach. I hope your kids have had a great back go school!
