Monday, September 20, 2021

Hello Monday and Fall Weekend Recap!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!


I know I have been neglecting my blog but just trying to get into our new routine and it has been CRAZY!


Last week was Blackout Cancer Week for me which meant fundraisers and events every night leading up to our big game on Friday night.  There will be a separate post this week talking all about that!


Until then, here is what our little weekend looked like....




I took the day off but ended up working all morning...when you are a Recruiter you have to be on 24x7 and when people need you, you need to be there! 


I then met Lea for lunch because we knew we needed to fuel up before our hours of work!


We picked up flowers that were donated to the families we were honoring (who have been touched by pediatric cancer)


and then picked up a table so we could set up a fun station for kids with eye black, tattoos and stickers


The game was just was record-breaking in fact (just waiting for our final numbers from our treasurer) but I feel like our entire town came out...I got choked up several times on Friday meant even more having to cancel all events last year...our town came out BIG TIME





Since I had walked 13,600 steps on Friday and had stood for nearly 10 hours, we skipped our date walk.  Diana and I left the house early and went back to one of our oldest and most favorite traditions- hitting Starbucks before dance.  It was the first time in a year and a half that we could sit inside our favorite Starbucks and chat  (she was cracking me up with her impressions of me too of course) ;)


 After I dropped her off, our parents joined us and we all headed to Eva's soccer game- it was a beautiful day (even Remi joined us but we don't get him around people enough- he was crazed!) ;)


Our parents came over for coffee and catching up after the game.  Later on, we relaxed and rested up and then fed the kids and then Rob and I met up with the Dance Fams for dinner and cocktails.  We had so many laughs...just what the doctor ordered.





It was the BIG DAY....Nutcracker Auditions...but not until we head to mass first!   



I volunteered (what else is new) to check people in at auditions and really enjoyed it! 



The girls had fun and they think they did well!  Now we wait...the waiting is always torture



It was one of my favorite weekends in a long heart is full and I have realized that when I am volunteering and giving back, I am the most happy!  So good for the soul :)


Linking up for Hello Monday HERE


  1. So glad your event went well!! I think everyone is so happy to get back to all the fun activities!!

  2. It seems like you've been busy but having fun! I remember when my mom and I used to go to Starbucks on days I had exams and she'd treat me to a drink - how I miss those days! (But not the exams, lol.) Looks like a great weekend!

  3. Your weekend sounded so nice! What a great way to spend it- volunteering for a great cause, spending time with family and friends, going to church and getting to watch your kids' activities. Looking forward to hearing/ seeing more about the Nutcracker...

  4. That sounds like such a fun and full weekend! So glad the event went well and sounds like it was such a success.

  5. Such a fun weekend. Congrats on a successful event! I love that there was mix of soccer, dance, family and friends all in one weekend. I can’t wait to read about nutcrackers details! Have a great week
