Thursday, September 2, 2021

1st Day of School 2021- 8th and 2nd Grades!


Yesterday was our first day of school!

It was so happy seeing the girls go off and we are praying they stay safe and healthy and are able to stay in school most of the time this year!


Diana started 8th how the 90's fashions are coming back in..those were some of my favorite years :)




Eva started 2nd how I can still pick out her outfits and toss a bow in her hair ;)



 Saying Bye to Big Sis!

Then it was Eva's turn....

I was excited to hear how their days went...overall very good..Diana had the typical Middle School complaints...which we kinda chuckled at....I am praying that they have a great year!

They were surprised to come home to their surprise dinner too!

We did "Taco 'Bout Going Back to School" and we had a blast hearing all of the details while downing our tacos :)

Wishing you all a wonderful school year!


  1. I love the taco decorations! Hope they have an awesome school year!

  2. Darling pictures of your girls! I hope they have best school year ever :).

  3. Here's hoping they have a wonderful year at school! Love your party decor; what fun!

  4. Your girls are the cutest! It looks like smiles all around. The taco party is perfect--I need to steal that idea!!

  5. How did I miss this post? I love the back to school photos. Your girls are beautiful and looking so grown! I love the taco dinner. So fun!
