Wednesday, June 30, 2021

What's Up Wednesday: June 2021


Hi Friends!  Can you believe it is the end of June?  I kind of can and kind of can't but anyway...we are approaching my favorite month of the year so I am welcoming it with open arms!  In the meantime, I am answering the questions above and sharing What's Up with Us!  Linking up HERE

What We're Eating This Week

Monday- Cilantro Lime Chicken Breasts on the Grill, Corn On The Cob, Steamed Broccolini, Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

Tuesday- Ground Chicken, Broccoli and Tortellini in Tomato Sauce

Wednesday-Takeout for the Town Fireworks Night

Thursday- Grilled Pizzas and Salad

Friday- Out at the McLain's Lake House



What I'm Reminiscing About


Last Summer and how challenging it was with Rob's job grateful to be here this year and getting to truly relax on the weekends...prayers work!



What I'm Loving


May sound childish but driving with the top down in my Jeep- love the wind and the smell of summer and feel like I am being kinda fun- ha!



What We've Been Up To



 We planted our herbs and flowers


We have been lovin' on our Sweet Boy even though he is sooo stubborn and tough to potty train


We celebrated Memorial Day Weekend with Friends and Family!


We celebrated my BB's Bday

Eva had a fun first softball season!


Date Walks Have Continued...

We enjoyed Diana's Spring Chorus Concert

Mama enjoyed going to Daddy's Gig at Game Changers!

We LOVED watching the girls perform in their 2021 AAB Performance Awards

We loved watching the WHS happy for all of the kids that got to have a real graduation and proud of our guy for all of his hard work on our school board

We had a blast with our fam as we made a weekend adventure out of the girls' Wizard Of Oz Movie!

We hit the beach for the first time this year and already know we will be there so much more this summer!


There has been swimming with friends...

Mama helped host the Senior Breakfast for graduating WHS Seniors


and said Goodbye to the PTA Dream Team


Remi is somewhat enjoying obedience classes ;)

Another awesome Souls Sisters get together

Diana got vaccinated!

and the girls wrapped up 1st and 7th Grades!  What a year- so proud of them


Mama enjoyed the Walk to Fight Cancer in town

While Eva helped Mimi Make Cookies

We celebrated Diana making honors

and Mama and Daddy enjoyed a Date Night!

We hosted a fun Father's Day for our Families

Mama enjoyed Wine Group at BA's- it was an 80's theme this month- so fun!

and we enjoyed a weekend away in Ogunquit Maine

Then Mama hosted Book Club- it was so good to be back together again!  Will write more about it later this week!

What I'm Dreading

Nothing at the Moment!

What I'm Working On

Some really great jobs with some stellar organizations!  Woohoo!

What I'm Excited About

Summer Fun....Hoping to see my girls on stage this much hope right now!



What I'm Watching/Reading



Oh it was a great month for entertainment!


I binged my way through Workin' Moms Season 5- I hope I don't have to wait as long to see Season 6- I can't take it- I laughed SO HARD!


 and I really enjoyed Cruel Summer- my brother recommended it and it was creepy and so good!



It has been a beachy month for reading too, thanks to Elin Hilderbrand once again...


I devoured her new one...


Golden Girl

 and finishing up the only other novel I haven't read by her to this point...


Here's To Us


 Pure Summer Bliss!


What I'm Listening To


I am going between Top 40 Hits and Big Band Jazz- I know so random 



What I'm Wearing


In addition to workout clothes and biz cas has been lots of shorts and tanks and I think I also mentioned I am having a moment with strapless dresses...can't get enough! 




What I'm Doing This Weekend

We are spending 4th of July Weekend at Laurel and Tom's Lake House on Lake Winnipesaukee-we all can't wait to spend time with our besties and enjoy the boat...the Tiki Hut...Fireworks and many laughs and QT!



What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

More time at the beach- time at the campground and seeing my girls perform!



What Else Is New?


I think I covered it!  What's up with you?


  1. I think I started reading your blog regularly about a year ago because I remember praying for Rob's job loss and that he would find something good. And I laughed at the Seagrams in the wine club picture because Seagrams started in my city! It felt like seeing a piece of home! Hahaha!!!

  2. So many good things happened- love all of your celebrations, family time, traditions, etc. All your pictures are great- sweet faces smiling :). Love your deck sign and YES to driving with the top down!!

  3. I love grilled pizza! So good!

  4. Your Monday night dinner looks so good. I may need that recipe. Happy 4th friend!


  5. Your menu for the week sounds so good! I am loving all the ideas I'm getting from everyone's blog as I am putting together our monthly menu and finding so many new recipes/ combinations I want to try. You have had such a fun month and I too just LOVE July!

  6. You had a great month! I love all the celebrating and so many back to normal things!! Hooray for vaccination and everything that gives you to look forward to - dancing on stage! Have so much fun at the lake this weekend!
