Monday, April 26, 2021

Eva's 7th Birthday- A Very Presidential Celebration


Our little Eva is 7 years old!  She turned 7 on can this be....

Wasn't she just born?

or turning 1?

or 2 in Disney?

or 3 and using her favorite word...Caution? ;)

or 4 making cupcakes with her pals?

or 5?

or 6?  Wanting to be a police officer.....

and now our Eva (a.k.a Pidge) wants to be President of the U.S!

She loves studying about the US Presidents, playing Ro Blox with friends, playing softball, hockey and soccer and doing anything her Big Sis Diana does.....

We celebrated with her friends on Thursday afternoon with bowling, dinner and an awesome Ro Blox cake.  You can read about it HERE 

and on Saturday, we celebrated in a VERY Presidential way!


 Even President Kennedy showed up for the shindig!


and our amazing Cake Lady Kat, made the most patriotic cake!

It had an edible picture of Mount Rushmore on the top layer.....

and it was just as delicious as it was beautiful-  a rich dark chocolate cake with marshmallow flavored buttercream


The accessories I snagged on Amazon were a big hit- especially the mustaches ;)



Snagged these yummy pretzels and dipping sauces on Goldbelly- made for a unique and fun appetizer....


A Charcuterie Board made up of ingredients from Trader Joe's of course!

We kept things simple and had our lunch catered by 33 Hilltop- one of our local faves.  We did a classic sandwich platter, a gluten free wrap platter and Greek Salad.  I whipped up a gluten free pasta salad and fruit salad as well


Happy Birthday Pidge!

That night, once everyone was gone, Rob headed over to Mike's with some guys to sit around the fire and catch up and a few of my gal pals came over to decompress with me....the festivities continued for Pidge of course ;)

Such a wonderful weekend for our little lady- Hail to the Chief!

Linking up for Hello Monday HERE


  1. What a fabulous party! That cake is just amazing.

  2. What a cool party!! Happy Birthday to Eva!

  3. I love all the details of her party. But, I think the Cake tops it all! Happy Birthday Eva!

  4. The food, decor and party for the president to be look perfect! You hit it out of the park :).

  5. That is so much fun!! I love her presidential dreams! You did a great job with the theme, as always! Have a great week!

  6. Looks like the perfect party for a future president! The decorations and food look amazing. The cake! wow! I hope Eva had a great day.

  7. I'm catching up on some of the blog reading I missed so this is late but what a super fun theme for a party!!!

  8. Holly, I'm enjoying your blog. Loved your presidential party! What fun! Thanks so much for all your work hosting the Hello Monday Link party!! its a great place! thanks, Patty
