Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Pandemic Pondering


Hi Friends!  Tanya inspired me to do some reflecting on this past year and I am doing just that...what a tough tough year but yet, when I look back, I can still find love and beauty in every day life...attempting to answer the questions above...here goes nothing!


1. What was life like in early 2020?


Normal...whatever that is....a low key cozy winter with play dates and plenty of cooking and a beautiful family trip to the Bahamas...when we got back, we enjoyed Diana's PTA Awards Ceremony and then Performance Awards and then we were shut down...and the rest is history


2. What was the biggest change?


Losing connection with people..personally and professionally...never thought this would happen in my lifetime and I get fueled and inspired by people and I felt such a big loss...I remember being in the shower one night and thinking if I would ever see my co-workers again and I couldn't stop crying... for an hour...I was worried and I was so so sad



3. What were my coping mechanisms?



It has varied during this past year...at first it was all of the family time...cooking meals together...taking family walks and binge watching The Office....more recently...the last three months...it has been about daily exercise for me personally...it has been a huge help mentally and physically!



4. What did connection in my relationships look like?  

For the first few months, it was Zoom calls and chats and then once May hit and things opened up a bit, we hung out with family and close friends who we consider in our "COVID bubble"...professionally we started meeting over Zoom every week and haven't stopped!  It has been wonderful because I am seeing co-workers weekly and more than I ever had before!


5. What will I remember the most?

How very hard these days have been and how my girls continue to smile and press on...they have been my biggest sources of inspiration...I was particularly worried about Diana and her not being able to perform...though she has taken that hard...she continues to press on and is even more excited about future performances!



6. What was the biggest challenge?


For Rob and our family= losing his job- friends?  It was a true nightmare...losing a great job during a pandemic


For the girls- going to school remotely and not being able to enjoy their activities


For me- losing connections- personally and professionally 


7. What was a beautiful memory?



Our family walks to the golf/country club...not sure why but I know I will never forget them...a glimpse of joy in the middle of so much uncertainty



8. What do I believe now that I didn't a year ago?


That many employers are being very flexible with working parents...not just a few...many have learned that employees can produce even more when they are trusted and given flexibility


and also, even a bigger one, school in the U.S is a true luxury...even when kids complain, they truly want to be there and they miss the connection when they are not....for the first time ever, my girls (yes even my Middle Schooler) mourned not being able to go to school for that extended period of time


9. What would I do differently?

Worry less- pray more


10. What will I Carry Forward?

Keeping the balance in my life- focusing on my health first and everything else after so I can be more productive and more helpful to my family and company and friends!  I will also focus more on serving others!


  1. The pandemic did a number on my family. My small nerd had to go up north, 3000 feet up in the air on a mountain in a cabin with my in laws and quarantine and home school while I worked from home and my husband was exposed multiple times a day with COVID. For 6 months. I didn't see my baby for mothers day, fathers day, her 9th birthday. I had to wait a week after her birthday to see for 2 days for a quick visit and then she went right back up. I hated it. We still haven't received any of our stimulus. IRS screwed up our taxes. Word of advice... never use Turbo Tax. They screwed up (and lost!) 3 years worth of taxes. And I could really use that money right about now ya know!

  2. I too shared thoughts on the pandemic this morning and I wish I'd had these questions to guide me. They are really good and I agree with so many of your answers. Yes, I would have focused on my health more too and losing the connections with people has also been the hardest for me. But my kids are such an inspiration -- they have the best attitude most of the time and I could learn lessons from them.

  3. @Natalie- I am so sorry to hear that- I can imagine the pain and stress- sending prayers

  4. @Natasha so glad your kids provide the inspiration too! :)

  5. We kept up with our bubble of family and friends too and I think that has helped us all a lot.

  6. Awe, so well written. I agree with everything you said. You are so positive- it is no wonder that your kids handled everything well.

  7. All of this is so so true. I never thought I’d be scared to hug my family and that was so hard! At first the slow down was so lovely. 2 weeks to regroup and spend time together. But one year has been so impactful! I love how you are Abel to find so many positive things in all of the hardships! You and your family are coming out stronger!

  8. Not sure if my 1st comment took

    Thanks for doing this. I even did it


  9. You had quite a year, especially with the job loss. I was also so encouraged by how my kids handled it. Loved reading your answers and thanks for the mention!
