Friday, October 2, 2020

Friday Favorites


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!

I had the busiest...most productive week of work in a long time and I couldn't be happier...though I am tired from balancing it is a really good tired and I am it me or are Fall Fridays just the bomb?  They feel different...there is always a hint of excitement...I am pretending that life is normal and flashing back to Friday Night football games...the best of times...just go with it...


Well back to reality and to back to some fun...linking up with the gals HERE and sharing some faves from our week 



Eating The Rainbow




Fave MEMEs of the Week 



Good advice for you blended families out there...this was a golden rule we always followed!

 Fave Moments Of The Week

Laurel's Birthday Lunch




Waiting for the bus in the rain = Daddy is a hero 


Dance Class!



 One of the perks of working and schooling remotely?  Taking a quick lunch break together to grab a protein shake and a tea...glad she still likes to hang out with me...hope it lasts :)

Another win for WMS Field Hockey- the chanting off the bus was awesome- even got me pumped up!

 and someone thinks Daddy is even greater...waiting for the bus...shooting the puck...I can't even compete...ha!


 and I am liking my outfit today...ready to rock one more day of work this week and have a quick lunch with some we go!

 Happy Happy Friday...have a wonderful weekend!















  1. Happy Weekend!! I do love Fall Weekends too...I do not want to think about what comes after this season though:(

  2. Yay for a productive week! Daddy with the sweet! Love your leopard blouse beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Your memes made me laugh so hard! Thank you for those!

  4. Love love love your eating the rainbow pictures! Productive weeks always feel great, now enjoy the weekend :)

  5. You are SO right… fall Fridays are just SO much better!!!!

    Mmm… your meals this week looked fab!

    Those memes, LOL!

    Ohhhh, you need to frame the picture of daddy out in the rain taking care of his girl; too sweet!

    Have the best weekend, Holly!

  6. Yes! Fall Fridays are something special!! As much as I love summer, fall Fridays are pretty great! Your rainbow of food looks delicious!! The memes had me giggling! Have a fantastic weekend!!

  7. So happy you had a productive week. It does really feel good. Awesome memes, especially the bar one. Had to show the hubs. LOL
    Happy weekend. XOXO
