Monday, June 29, 2020

Thank You AND All About Red, White and Blue!

OH friends....Happy Monday!!!!  We are exhaling!!
Rob landed his dream job on Friday and I think I am still in shock- ha!  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all of the wonderful prayers, amazing support, notes and gifts...this is such a special group and we are blessed.  Prayers work and you lifted us up and helped us over the finish line.

It has been such a scary much uncertainty and I am proud of my hubby to land this role in the midst of a pandemic and a recession...Praise God!

Before we get to the Red, White and Blue fun, I want to share this verse with you...I read it every morning and I feel it is so appropriate and

God is Good! is time to talk about one of my favorite things, while linking up with one of my faves Andrea 

Today is all about Red, White and Blue and it is the perfect week to celebrate this patriotic greatness if you ask me!  Here are a few of my faves and how I celebrate with these colors....


Can't wait to wear this cover up next weekend!!  I searched and searched for years for the perfect Red, White and Blue Cover up and finally scored this on Ebay...yeah!  Promise to post pics 

and one of my faves from Maine a few summers ago...


Give me all of the patriotic food this time of making this Blueberry Caprese Salad...

and my friend Jill whipped up this masterpiece this past weekend...I was in awe!


A must for me every summer is to create patriotic flower arrangements for the house and our back just brings me joy :)

and I love looking at our flag...always...

Can't wait to see all of your Red, White and Blue...yeah! 


  1. Praise Jesus, prayers answered. Over the moon for you all and Rob's heart must be soaring. Your flag looks great as done as all festive fun!! Yummy to that salad and so happy you joined us for the link-up!!

  2. That is wonderful! God is so good! And that verse is one of my absolute favorites! Happy Monday!

  3. Holly--That is amazing for your family. Congratulations to Rob!!! I need to make that red, white and blue caprese salad--yum!!

  4. Congrats to Rob on landing the dream job!! So happy for your family friend :)

    Those star chips are perfection! Always love seeing your patriotic flowers too.

  5. How have I never thought about creating themed chips?!! That is so easy and cute. Congrats on the job!

  6. So glad that God answered your prayers regarding your husband's job. Jeremiah 29:11 is my life verse. Happy 4th of July!

  7. Oh my gosh, I am beyond happy to hear the news of the new job!!!! Prayers answered!!!!!

  8. I am so so so happy to hear that he landed his dream job! That is fantastic!! I love caprese salads and I'm kind of surprised that I never thought of adding blueberries to it; yum!

  9. SO happy to hear about the new job!

  10. So, so happy to hear the great news about his job!

  11. I just came back to see if there was any news. Congratulations to your husband!!! And thank you God for answered prayers.
