Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How Quickly Life Can Change

Hi Friends....asking for prayers again...yes I are probably sick of me asking for prayers but I believe in them and you have helped me in the past.
Due to COVID-19, my husband's job was eliminated this week.  Last one in and first one out as they say....we are devastated and still really in shock.
So yes....could use your prayers...not sure how much more we can take...I keep thinking to myself it is such a kick in the teeth...just need to catch a break...
Anyway...we are counting on our faith as always and appreciate you praying for us....I had some joyful posts planned but they will just have to wait as now we are all hands on deck 
Thank you in advance


  1. I am SO SORRY Holly. I will pray for your family.

  2. Oh Friend, I am so sorry! I will definitely be praying for you I know you’ll stay positive and optimistic. Like I always tell my boys, it WILL work out. xo

  3. Oh, Holly, I am SO sorry to hear this! I will add you to my prayer list now. Hugs, so many hugs being sent your way!!!

  4. Oh goodness! I'm so sorry y'all are going through this...but..God has a plan. Hang in there...brighter days ahead! Prayers going up!

  5. Your sweet family is loved by so many through your blog. Lifting your family in prayer from Waco, TX!

  6. I am sorry for the job loss.
    Prayers to you and your family.

  7. Holly, I am so sorry! Sending prayers your way!

  8. Holly, praying you and Rob right now. I have no words, just know how much your blogging friends love you. ❤️

  9. I'm so sorry. What a blow. Will be praying for your family.

  10. I am so so sorry to hear this! Of course we'll be praying for you and your family.

  11. Oh Holly I am so very sorry. Hugs to you guys and I will pray for you.


  12. Sending prayers!! I’m sorry to hear this Holly!!

  13. Holly I am so sorry to hear this. Covid -19 is causing destruction in many more ways than just a virus that causes one to be sick and I am so sorry your family has been hit in such a devastating way. A couple of things , it’s okay for you to feel all the feelings and know we are here to not only pray but to listen to your heart and love you though this no matter what your mood. In other words, you don’t have to always be cheery and happy for us. Your family has been added to my prayer list and I too, believe in the power of prayer so I won’t take this lightly. Lots of hugs being sent your way.

  14. Big hugs & prayers! There are no words right now. It plain stinks! Sending you all the love and cheering your family on as I know you will get through this. May you feel the support from us all, XOXO

  15. Hi. I am sorry to hear this news. I know it is a disappointment with a lot to process. I was also laid off during this time. Praying you will be encouraged every day and keep hope for the future.
