Thursday, May 7, 2020

Gratitude in Quarantine

I haven't shared a Gratitude post for awhile and I think during difficult times like these, it is easy to feel sorry for ourselves and get ourselves either really stressed out (thanks to the media) or really discouraged...anyway...these are the times, I find, that it is more important than ever, to thank God and look around and truly appreciate the every day is what I am grateful for right now....

 Extra time with my favorite they say the days are long but the years are so short...when I get overwhelmed somedays, I remind myself that this too, shall pass....and these days won't last...I am trying to cherish the time

Have the opportunity to meal plan and buy healthy food to make solid meals for our family...that means access to meat, fruits, veggies and really anything we are looking for..that is a luxury I never take for granted

Opportunities that we have prayed hard on and God is providing...answered prayers...he hears the desires of our hearts

Friends that are like Family...even during these times, we lift each other up and I am so grateful for the support that I really need and have received from my tribe...emotional support which is a true gift that is hard to find

The lovely Spring weather that is finally gracing us here in New is giving me hope!

What are you grateful for?


  1. I am loving this spring like weather... even if snow flurries are in tonight's forecast. The sunny, warm days this week have been so good for my soul.

  2. Love your positive perspective. All so true. I am so grateful for the family time and that this happened as the weather is getting nicer. Have a great weekend!!
