Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday Favorites (Quarantine Week 5 Edition)

Well friends....we are wrapping up Week 5 of is changing....trying to learn...grow...stay calm and push forward all at blog is my scrapbook anyway so someday I hope to look back and remember how hard this time it changed us...and how we prevailed...God willing

I enjoyed some bright lights in our week this past calls that made me realize why I chose this career over 20 years ago...getting back to basics tends to do that sometimes....Zoom calls....excellent progress with school work (my girls)....meals that were eaten with gusto...and even you my blogging always lift me up with your posts...Patty...Rechelle....Sarah...Jaclyn...Heather...
Andrea...all of you...thanks for the inspiration and thanks to Shay for entertaining us with her info on handbags this week too...I chuckled a bit but got inspired at the same time

Linking up HERE and sharing some faves from our week...

Math Facts- 100% FTW!

Getting a bday gift together for her best friend = pure joy

Weekly Team Zoom Calls...brings tears to my eyes...we have the best team at my firm...would be lost without this company

Diana's Ballet.....

A Friend Walking By Snapped this Cute Pic

Eva's Ballet

Mrs. America- great new series to watch on Hulu 

Watching the landscapers put down fresh mulch gave me some hope this week..... 

until this happened....sigh...someone is not happy with us right now

 Selection Committee

I was honored to be asked to sit on the selection committee for a new Director of HR for our School District...I got to enjoy final round interviews via Zoom and it was so interesting and such a privilege...I also just got accepted onto a local HR board after some tough interviews....will be happy to officially announce that soon....I am truly excited for the future opportunities that this will bring my firm and me...can't wait to get started!

Extended Remote Learning

Our Governor announced yesterday that our kids will be home-schooled/continuing remote learning through the end  of our school year.  For us it is June 18th.  Though I was expecting this, it is still a tough pill to swallow- so much sadness from my girls- stress and exhaustion for Rob and me to continue working full time and teaching full time and yet still....we need to have want to wrap up by reminding you all that there is always, always, always something to be grateful for....

Though things are dark and uncertain right now.....

"Listen to the birds that were sent
To sing for me and you
Can you feel me
This is such a wonderful place to be
Even if there is pain now
Everything would be all right
For as long as the world still turns
There will be night and day
Can you hear me
There's a rainbow always after the rain"

Kacey Musgraves, Shane McAnally and Natalie Hemby


  1. Beautiful words from our sweet country peeps! The rainbow is coming! You are a great choice for that committee, you’ll pick the best HR director! You look beautiful and happy you work for such a great firm! HUGS!!

  2. Thank you for the sweet shout out my lovely friend! I am so happy to be in this blogging world with you. And you are so right, there is always, always something to be grateful for.


  3. Yes to stress & exhaustion from working while caring for our kiddos, always looking for the silver lining! :) Happy Friday Holly, glad to bring the sunshine XOXO

  4. Our governor announced a few weeks ago that we would not be returning to school this year and then we got an email today that we would be ending the school year 2 weeks early.

  5. Now I feel kind of silly.. I saw that Miss America listed on Hulu last night and though it was just the pageant and didn't realize it was actually a show. I'll have to check it out.

  6. New mulch always made me happy...the snow...not so much. Hang in there sweet Holly. You got this girl!!! XOXO

  7. I love how you ended your Friday Favorites today! Your girls are such lovely dancers!! It’s so great that they can keep it up at home. If that Sarah is me, I love reading your blog and seeing how you are surviving this crazy time too!! Even if it’s not me, I love reading your blog and seeing your sweet family! Have a great week Holly! I hope your snow is gone!

  8. I'll have to check out that Hulu show! We had some snow here too over the weekend..thankfully it was sunny and warm today. Feeling you on the e-learning..we just got the news today that our school is closed for remainder of the year. It's the right thing but certainly hard to accept.

  9. @Sarah- YES- it is YOU- love reading your blog too!
