Monday, March 2, 2020

Bahamas 2020- A Beautiful Family Trip!

Hi Friends!  We have just come back from a wonderful family trip- we all enjoyed a few days in the sunny Bahamas....we soaked up the sun...swam until our fingers wrinkled and indulged in fun fare and tropical cocktails...and it was all just beautiful!

I couldn't wait to share it with all of YOU!  Here is how our little trip went


Our alarms were set for 3am as our driver was coming at 4am to pick us up and head into Logan Airport in Boston.  This is how we travel...comfy....splashes of Lilly...and full of adrenaline (never heard my girls so happy in the morning!) 

Once we were at the airport, we went through security and check ins and met up with my parents...of course we had to do a family selfie or two!

Our flight was very smooth and once in the Bahamas, we grabbed a large cab to take us to our resort.  The ride was less than a half hour...felt like we got there in no time!

We stayed at the Melia All Inclusive Resort right on Cable Beach in Nassau.  I would highly recommend it.  Incredible value, beautiful grounds and lots to do...our kids stayed free so it was a win win!

Here are some views from our room- outstanding!

Selfie time!

As soon as we checked in and snapped a few photos, our mission was to change and get out to the pool!  (one of three on the property)

We are ready!

I told my family my goal was to be at the pool with a cocktail in hand by 1pm that day.  Well friends....we beat my goal by 45 minutes...we were planted by one of the family pools by 12:15 and the cocktail was in hand by 12:30....everyone was happy and started to decompress!  The girls, I swear, did not get out of the water during our entire stay- ha!

Posing...he kills me!

Virgin Strawberry Daiquiris were a must too!

Rob promised his boss he would take a pic with a fruity drink so I helped him keep that promise..he wanted to make sure that he relaxed...and he did :)

After relaxing for a bit, we decided to grab a late and quick lunch at the grill overlooking the ocean...we had some great laughs 

Then we hit the beach and were just in awe of how beautiful the water is there....

That night, for our first dinner, we dined at the Italian Restaurant called ended up being our favorite restaurant...the food was just incredible and the decor was just takes a lot for Italian restaurants to impress us Italian cooks but it blew us away!   

and then we crashed after such a long day!  Not before one more pic of the girls though ;)


This was my favorite day of our trip because we packed in SO MUCH!

The girls and I started the day by walking down to the beach and saving chairs and a tiki hut for our clan....

 Then we all met up for breakfast at the Market Cafe....

 and got some entertainment....from our girlies....

and we discovered a star...Rodrique....we will see him on The Voice some day!

After breakfast, we changed and headed out to the beach to meet our photographer and had some beautiful family shots taken...

Our Ballerina...doing her thing...practicing for Performance Awards next weekend...Mama can't wait...yeah!

 Then we quickly ran to our room to get ready for a day in the sun....

Ahh....the beach was glad I brought my insulated cup.....kept my banana coconut drinks icy cold ;)

You probably can't tell from these pics but some of our beach friends heard us giving Robby B our drink orders so one friend decided to order a drink too as a joke and he seriously brought her back her ordered cocktail- we were dying!

My favorite person in the one of my favorite places in the world...doesn't get much better

The makings of a mermaid ;)


and of course the "Tween Mandated Photo Shoot" (insert rolling eyes emoji here) ha!

Later it was time for lunch and Pidge was a BIG fan of all of the desserts :)

After lunch, it was pool time and we checked out the other family pool this day

That night, our reservations were at the Mexican restaurant called Cilantro- we thought we would like this restaurant the most but it ended up being the most disappointing- nevertheless, we thoroughly enjoyed the margaritas and had some more laughs!

On our way back to our rooms, we stopped to "dance" and admire the decor.....

and then the girls insisted on some "night swimming"

Robby B obliged and Mama just took some shots from our balcony ;)


 We grabbed a quick Starbucks and then headed right out to the pool so the girls could get some swimming in before our afternoon excursion.  The grandparents all headed to breakfast inside while we were doing that.  

Can't get enough of our views.....cloudy but still breathtaking

When the sun was peaking out...we knew Grammy was watching...

The girls and I snuck in a little hot tub time too :)

The one thing I disliked about our trip?  How comfortable the birds were around one point, Rob was throwing his flip flop at one to scare it away...I made him do it a second time so I could film him....I could...not....stop...laughing!!!!!

Time to snag a cocktail before we leave for our next adventure! 

 Later it was time to have our driver take us over to Paradise Island where we would board our catamaran for a snorkeling adventure.  We were there early so decided to grab some snacks at Margaritaville- so fun!

Then it was time for our excursion....though Rob and I were the only two who ended up snorkeling....we were so excited because the fish were outstanding as was the coral reef...we agreed so much prettier than it was in Punta Cana believe it or not...the girls LOVED the boat though and our parents did too....they enjoyed the views...playing on the netting of the catamaran and then drinks and snacks on the deck glad we did this!

That night, we started at the Tapas bar at our resort called Esta Vida....Conch Fritters are a must when you are in the Bahamas and these did not disappoint!

Do you like the guys?  They have on matching lobster shorts that I got them all for Christmas!

Then we headed to our last dinner together at the Asian Restaurant called Nikkei- it was amazing!  We enjoyed sushi and other Japanese fair....along with many laughs.....

 This one is called "Mary" :)

Mad I didn't take any more pics...I did remember, however, to take a pic of the amazing dessert called "The Chocolate Bomb" it was filled with mango and oranges and just delish!

Saturday morning, we grabbed our very last breakfast at the resort before heading to the was one last "coffee" for Pidge ;)

It was the perfect little getaway and we accomplished what we set out to do and that was to spend quality family time, decompressing in the sun....and so we did! 

Linking up for Hello Monday HERE


  1. SO nice and so jealous of your trip! I'm ready for the beach!

  2. great post! glad you had a great time!!!

  3. What a fabulous trip!! So many great memories <3

  4. Your trip looks AMAZING. The family photos are beautiful. I need to look into the resort you stayed at..looks so good.

  5. What a fabulous trip!! I love your family photos on the beach. My husband and I went to the Bahamas as part of a cruise ship stop on our Honeymoon and I still think of that conch chowder I ate; it was so so good!

  6. Wow, what a blast! The water is gorgeous! That's so cool that your entire extended family went too. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  7. Holly!!! What an incredible trip! All that family time looks like so much fun! The resort looks fabulous! Would you recommend it for a couples only trip? I’m glad you had such a wonderful time.

  8. Thanks everyone! Yes Sarah- they actually had an adults only pool with a swim up bar and lots of activities at night for adults so absolutely!

  9. This looks amazing. Ok, how does it compare to Atlantis?


  10. @Patty- it was a much better value than The Atlantis. The Atlantis is so beautiful and offers more in the way of pools, slides, etc but the restaurants there are SO expensive. Melia was all-inclusive and incredible value and had everything we wanted!

  11. Looks like everyone had a great time. I really like your white bathing suit coverup.
