Monday, February 3, 2020

Hello Monday! (February 3, 2020)

Hello Friends!  Hope you had a great weekend!  Here are some scenes from ours......

 Found on Diana's Instagram Account and Warms My Heart

 Look Who Made The Front Page

 Friday Night Dinner with Besties While Daddy's Away

Saturday Morning Gym and Smoothies

Saturday Night Hosting This Wonderful Group

Lots of Action at Campaign Headquarters on Sunday!

Binge Watching Good Girls during Weekend Downtime- so good-can't get enough!

Superbowl Snacks (someone is very proud of his nachos)

Though he didn't win, the Jimmy G pictures were flying round- ha ha!  (Insert Heart Eyes Emoji Here) 

That's a wrap!  Hope you have a great week!

Linking up with Heather and the Crew HERE


  1. The nachos look so Good! Hope the campaign is going well.


  2. That's so wonderful that your husband is running for school board. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  3. That’s a great weekend! I love how you squeeze friends and family into so many things!! You’ve got a great tribe Holly! Have a great week!

  4. Good luck to Rob on his school board run! What a fun thing for your family to help with his campaign.
