Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Let's Look- Entertaining Ideas

I am joining Erika and Shay and talking about my entertaining ideas this month.  Linking up HERE

Oh now this is one of my favorite topics ever.  I LOVE to fact I get kinda judgy when I see people build these huge houses and then never invite people over to share in the warmth/coziness...or host catch my drift?  I warned you...I can be judgy in this arena as I feel I am the polar opposite!

When Rob and I moved into our dream house about 7 years ago, I knew I wanted to share it all- all the room- all the holidays...I just love inviting everyone in..I know not everyone is like that and it kinda irks me but hey...I know hysterical!

 So...many family members and friends, over the years, have suggested I start a party planning business...I always say "in my next life" and maybe someday I will get to do that...probably during my retirement years but whatev...

Anyway, I am excited to share my entertaining ideas as this is one of my passions and one of the ways I show my love.  Picking a few ideas/tips to share with you today and cannot wait to read yours- I always get inspired by my fellow here goes nothing!

Guest List and Invites

Decide how many people you want to have- are you keeping things small?  Is this a big, open house type of event?  Nevertheless, decide and make your guest list (one of my favorites because I am obsessed with lists) and then decide on how you will invite.  Will this be formal?  Will you be sending printed invitations in the mail?  Will you go "today" and be high tech and use a website like Evite?  (my personal fave) or keep it even simpler and do word of mouth or email/text.  The choice is yours.  Just decide on #s and means of communication up front to get off on the right foot!

Food and Drink Plan

 I always love making my menu in advance too.  It helps me to set the tone for a party/get together.  

Is this going to be more casual so people can mingle? Heavy apps, cocktails and desserts?

Or will it be more intimate and be a sit down dinner with good wine and conversation?

Personally, our next big event...and the time we will be entertaining will be Thanksgiving Eve...we host family and friends for a casual get together.  We usually do apps and cocktails and this year, I am adding in some pizza too so we have enough..we are anticipating 75 people- eek!  Seriously though, I can't wait! :)


 Well usually the holidays dictate what kinds of decorations I will go with.  Since we are pretty much all done decorating for Christmas, our home will be full on Christmas mode even for the Thanksgiving festivities this year.

When I entertain in the summer, I love to have Red, White and Blue accents everywhere- inside and out- I feel so patriotic that I hope it catches on with our guests too :)

Decorations are truly the backdrop to your amazing entertainment!

Live Entertainment

 Most of the time, I am playing holiday tunes or pop tunes or 90's hits via my phone on our Bose speaker.  It is nice background music for our get togethers.  The night before Thanksgiving, we have had bands and then last year we started a karaoke tradition that we will be continuing with this year.  

Music just makes everything better!  Don't you agree?

Road Map

 Before we entertain, I also always map out the flow of the evening/day.  For example, you might see me serve apps in the kitchen with a welcome cocktail and then move into the dining room for dinner and wine and head to the family room or even back to the kitchen for dessert...depends on the event but I always map out the flow ahead of time. 

Thank You's! 

I always send notes and texts and emails after an event to thank everyone who means the most to us that we get to spend quality time with family and friends and we appreciate everyone wanting to share those times in our home :)

Can't wait to read about all of your ideas!


  1. You truly seem like the queen of entertaining. I could totally see you running a party planning business. Such great tips you shared today.

  2. Yes you certainly could do party planning!! I love following up with Thank You's too, something you don't always see these days :)

  3. GReat ideas! I love hosting parties at my house!

  4. I love the road map idea!

    Cheers to you girl.

    good better best
