Monday, September 9, 2019

We are Exhaling and Hello Monday!

We are exhaling!  Thank you all so very much for your prayers and messages and support during this difficult time.  Rob got an awesome job offer on Friday night and has accepted- yeah!

It is during times like these that you realize how blessed you truly are by the people who just "show up" for you.  Some you can always depend on and it reminds you of that and others just step up and surprise you and it is then that you realize how much you need to express your gratitude.

So thank YOU....this blogging community is an extra special something in my life and I am forever grateful....

Yes we are exhaling and saying Hello Monday!

Linking up with Heather and the girls HERE 

I am going to start re-capping as of Thursday so I can share our bus nightmare I had mentioned on Friday


Rob had traveled to PA on Wednesday and Thursday for a final round of interviews with his new employer.  As a result, I was on bus duty and once Diana got home, I went outside to wait for Eva's bus.  Well...her bus pulled up...the door opened....and no one got off.  I asked the bus driver where she was and she had no idea (insert wide-eyed emoji here) 

She called the bus company and they said she went back to the school.  In a state of panic, I ran inside to grab by keys and Diana and literally drove 90 miles an hour to the school.  I asked my Father In Law to wait at the driveway in case she got dropped off and then I called Rob on my way to tell him what was going on and he was getting ready to board his plane to come home.  I pulled in on two wheels and ran inside to the Eva...then my heart was really in my throat.  While I was doing this, he called the central office.

At that point, I had both principals, Eva's teacher, staff and a cop with me ...oh yeah and even the Superintendent.  One of the secretaries got a call from the bus company and they said she got on the wrong bus but they would bring her back to the school.

We had to wait 35 minutes for that bus to get to the felt like eternity and I kept getting more and more nervous.  I had all of these staff members trying to calm me down and I could not even look at them.  I kept worrying that Eva would get off at a random spot....I was imagining the worst!

When the bus finally pulled up, I ran to it.  She walked off all smiles...not scared at all....and she just said "Hi Mama...I have to pee." The poor thing was on that bus for over an hour...we kind of chuckled but I hugged her harder than I ever had and got much reassurance from all involved that this would never happen again.  It kind of took 10 years off my life....already so stressed about Rob's job situation...this was the cherry on the sundae!

 That night, I decompressed....and it might have taken a few hours to settle down- eek!


It was a great day.  Towards the end of my work day, Rob got a call with a great offer!  We are so very very grateful.  Thank you again for all of your prayers and support- it means the world to us!

That night, we were headed to a friend's Surprise 40th party and we really got to exhale!

Our friend Nicole was really surprised and it was a great night catching up with some friends from town - most have kids Eva's age which is fun...we all traded war stories from our first week back at school!

The Birthday Girl!


It was time for Eva's first soccer game first thing- we couldn't believe how chilly it was- it really felt like fall- wow!

On the way home, I had to snap a pic of the cuteness in the back seat- Eva holding Papa's hand- Oh my heart!

After that, Beth Ann and I headed down to Lynnfield for the Lilly Sale- as I said, "we headed into combat"...we snagged a few things and then enjoyed a few more hours together- shopping for wine and enjoying lunch- a total perfect day for besties- and the first time I have truly laughed in about 6 weeks :)

That night, Robby B headed out with some guys to a cigar event and the girls and I headed over to Nicole's- the kids had a ball in the pool and playing while the moms caught up over dinner and then the Dads came back after their event- it was a great night of decompressing


It was time for mass, groceries and organizing for the week.  We also got some outdoor fall decorating done and watched an episode of "My So-Called Life" and then headed to Brooks' football game to cap off our amazing weekend

#87 in your programs! ;)

It was full....of love...friendship...and of course, gratitude.  We can't say thank you enough to everyone who supported us and just "showed up!"


  1. HOLLY I am so happy for your family! What great news. Sounds like you had a fun weekend and got to celebrate:)

  2. Woohoo!!! That is fabulous news!! Congratulations! I’m so glad the bus situation was a happy ending! Kindergarten is tough enough in a mama’s heart! Have a great week Holly!

  3. Thank you so much girls. We are so relieved! I appreciate all of your support along the way XOXO Holly

  4. HOORAY for Rob!! That top you wore Friday night is such a pretty color too :) Love your outdoor fall touches!

  5. I love your pumpkins, and I'm so happy about your good news! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  6. Oh Holly I am so happy for you about Rob's job. I have been praying for you guys.

    Oh my on the bus situation. It wasn't even my kid and I was panicked reading it.

    Great big squeeze hugs!


  7. Holly that news made my day! I've been praying!!

  8. Patty- thanks for all of your support! Cara thank you from the bottom of my heart! XOXO

  9. What exciting news! Will your family have to relocate for the new job?
