Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday Favorites (In The Zone Edition)

Happy Friday Friends!
Linking up with the lovely ladies, as always, HERE

I feel like we are back in the zone friends- everyone has this new school schedule down- Daddy started his new job and Mama has exhaled and is back in the zone!  Feeling great about our week and looking forward to our weekend!

Here are some faves from our week.....

 Eating The Rainbow

So back on track this week....went to the gym all week BY MYSELF....this is a big deal for me...I usually need friends but I thought hey...I need to depend on myself...and so I did!  Also back to clean eating and feeling better already! 

Fave MEMEs of the Week

I sent this one to Diana this week :)

Birthday Love

I guess I can say I have had a wonderful "Birthday Month"- my work friends gave me these beautiful flowers and took me out for a lovely lunch- beyond grateful that I get the bonus of working with such wonderful people who have become my 2nd family!

Starbucks Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

Friends?  If you are anything like me and don't care for the PSL, than you need to give this one a try...I could not get over how good AND how it wasn't sweet at all!  Starbucks is genius- I only wish they made this one hot too- it is just perfect- I add one equal for a little sweetness and it does the trick- nice zap of caffeine- perfect fall flavor without going overboard like the PSL and just delish!  I will never go have to try it and let me know what you think!

Fall Candles

Fall is my favorite time of year to burn yummy smelling candles, most of the time, from Yankee Candle.  Last year I started branching out thanks to your recommendations and tried the candles from Bath and Body too.  Now I like to include both....
Here are my picks for this season.....

Marshmallow Fireside- Bath and Body Works

Spiced Pumpkin- Yankee Candle

Sugared Pumpkin Swirl- Yankee Candle

Luscious Pumpkin Trifle- Yankee Candle

and Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow- Bath and Body Works

Book Club
I hosted our 10th Book Club Last night!  My pick was "You've Been Volunteered" by Laurie Gelman- this was the sequel to her first novel, "Class Mom".  I laughed throughout both of these light reads.  These books are perfect for this season.  If you are on the PTA or volunteer in your child's class or school, then you will truly enjoy these books.  We all wish we could say the things that Jen Dixon says in her emails- hysterical!

 That's a wrap!  Hope you all have an amazing fall weekend!


  1. I really want to read those books! You host the best get-togethers! I love the pumpkin cold brew as well and also wish it came hot! So good! Those flowers are beautiful and that was so sweet. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  2. I always say this but I LOVE to see your eat the rainbow pics! And give me alllll the Fall scents, yum!

  3. Those books are hilarious!! I’m so glad you’re back in the zone! It feels so good to be there! Have a great weekend!

  4. What a FUN get together! Loved your Charcuterie board. So festive.
    I need to try that cold brew bc I don't like the PSL either.
